159 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.4 Ch.20 : Shimura's Past

May 19, 2024

Vol.4 Ch.19 : The Reason To Kill A Person

Aug 6, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.18 : The Plummet

Jul 19, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.17 : Those Who Hang And Those Who Are Hanged 2

Jul 1, 2023

Vol.4 Ch.16 : Those Who Hang And Those Who Are Hanged 1

Jun 14, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.15.5 : Volume Extra

Jun 2, 2023

Vol.3 Ch.15 : I will not pass on

Mar 9, 2021

Vol.3 Ch.14 : Look Ahead

Jan 31, 2021

Ch.13 : A Crab's Way of Life 3

Dec 16, 2020

Vol.3 Ch.12 : A Crab's Way of Life 2

Dec 13, 2020

Vol.3 Ch.11 : A Crab's Way of Life 1

Dec 11, 2020

Ch.10.5 : Vol Extra

Dec 9, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.10 : First Date

Mar 15, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.9 : Tokuji Ishima

Feb 13, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.8 : Widower

Feb 13, 2020

Vol.2 Ch.7 : Rotten Duck 2

Feb 13, 2020


Aug 27, 2019

Ch.5.5 : Vol Extra

Dec 11, 2020

Vol.1 Ch.5 : I don't wanna work

Jul 13, 2019

Vol.1 Ch.4 : Tomorrow's me 2

Jul 13, 2019

Vol.1 Ch.3 : Tomorrow's me 1

Jul 13, 2019

Vol.1 Ch.2 : Even if I return to life

Jul 13, 2019

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jul 14, 2017
click to show all of the chapters


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