177 voted

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.26 Ch.281 : The RePSIval of Saiki Kusuo (Second Half)

Jan 19, 2020

Vol.26 Ch.280 : The RePSIval of Saiki Kusuo (First Half)

Jan 20, 2020

Vol.26 Ch.279.5 : 4koma Collection

Jan 20, 2020

Vol.25 Ch.279 : 2 day trip to Oshimai Part 4

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.278 : 2 day trip to Oshimai Part 3

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.26 Ch.277 : PSI Much to See! Tourists in Endsville!

Jan 19, 2020

Vol.26 Ch.276 : Let's AsPSImble and Plan a Trip

Jan 19, 2020

Vol.26 Ch.275 : It's Ending! Re-introduPSIng Characters from the Past

Jan 19, 2020

Vol.26 Ch.274 : Toritsuka vs Satou! RelaPSIonship Battle!

Jan 19, 2020


Jan 21, 2020

vol.25 Ch.272.5

Dec 2, 2019

Vol.25 Ch.272 : Serious arc part 5

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.271 : Serious arc part 4

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.270 : Serious arc part 3

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.269 : Serious arc part 2

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.268 : Serious arc

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.267 : The Battle Between DiPSIster and PerfecPSIon!!

Nov 11, 2019

Vol.25 Ch.266 : Spending The Day Horsing Around with a Friend

Nov 11, 2019

Vol.25 Ch.265

Apr 20, 2018

Vol.25 Ch.264 : Please Go Watch the Live ActPSIon movie!

Nov 11, 2019

Vol.25 Ch.263 : Suddenly! A Real Realistic EPSIcape Room

Nov 11, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.262 : RePSIcue the Bullied! Iguchi-sensei

Sep 1, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.261 : PSIko Metori's Equation for Victory

Aug 16, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.260 : Let's Publish a PSIcoop!

Aug 16, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.259 : A Perfect ReconPSItruction!? Kusuu03a9

Aug 16, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.258 : Terrifying! A DiPSIstrous Transfer Student Appears! (Second Half)

Aug 16, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.257 : Suzumiya Hii

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.24 Ch.256 : Let's get PSIrealized in Jump!

Aug 16, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.255 : APSIsting in Mediating a Long-Term Marriage!

Jul 8, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.254 : Everyone Please Try It For YourPSIlves!

Jul 8, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.253 : Evaluation! PSIchickers!

Jul 8, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.252 : Proudly Presenting our Clay PSIculptures

Jun 12, 2019

Vol.24 Ch.251 : ViPSIting a Friend's House While Their Parents are Out

Jun 12, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.250 : ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (Final Part)

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.249 : ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (Middle Part 2)

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.248 : ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (Middle Part)

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.247 : ConPSItructing an Unusual Past (First Part)

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.246 : ConPSItructing an Unusual Day

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.245 : Trending on a Streaming PSIte

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.244 : The Hero DiPSIster

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.243 : Welcome to PSIbespace

Jun 3, 2019

Vol.23 Ch.242 : PSIpot the Difference! The Perfect Beautiful Girl's Ordeal

Jun 3, 2019

vol.23 Ch.241 : DiviPSIon strategy, start!

May 8, 2019

vol.23 Ch.240 : Don't Forget your Birthday PrePSInt!

May 8, 2019

vol.23 Ch.239 : The DiPSIster of the School Physical

May 8, 2019

vol.22 Ch.238 : The PSIspicious New Teacher

May 8, 2019

Vol.22 Ch.237 : PrefaPSIng the End (2)

Feb 18, 2019

Vol.22 Ch.236 : Read the PSIgns! Aiura Mikoto's Fortune Telling

Feb 18, 2019

Vol.22 Ch.235 : Make PSIure You Eat Your Vegetables! Yakiniku Time

Feb 18, 2019

Vol.22 Ch.234 : Do Some Repsiearch! The Super Idol's Secret

Feb 11, 2019

Vol.22 Ch.233 : Choosing The Best Person To Walk Home From Psichool With

Feb 11, 2019

Vol.22 Ch.232 : Out of Sync Boy Girl RelaPSIonships (Second Half)

Dec 10, 2018

Vol.22 Ch.231 : Out of Sync Boy Girl RelaPSIonships (First Half)

Dec 10, 2018

Vol.22 Ch.230 : Returning the Favor! Toritsuka's Fasting ExerPSIze

Dec 10, 2018

Vol.22 Ch.229 : No Need for Bath Salts! Taking a Dip in the PSIcret Hot Springs

Dec 10, 2018

Vol.22 Ch.228 : ConverPSIation About the Kids! A Mama Meeting

Dec 10, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.227 : ReviPSIt! Gradparent's Travel Log

Nov 17, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.226 : A PSIlent New Year

Nov 17, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.225 : PSIlebrating the End of the Year! New Year's Eve

Nov 17, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.224 : Packed Full of Features! The Up and Coming New MaPSIcot

Nov 17, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.223 : PSIko Metori's Boring Day

Oct 28, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.222 : Let's Reinvent the MaPSIcot Character

Oct 28, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.221 : HypnoPSIs Exchange! (Part Two)

Oct 28, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.220 : HypnoPSIs Exchange! (Part One)

Oct 28, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.219 : Video Game DiPSIster

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.218 : PK Academy School Cultural FestPSIval Performance Part

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.21 Ch.217 : PK Academy School Cultural FestPSIval Practice Part

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.216 : PK Academy School Cultural FestPSIval Preparation Part

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.215 : Sweet Potato Digging DiPSIster

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.214 : Image Change TranPSIformation Girl

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.213 : The DiPSIster of the Kaidou Siblings

Sep 3, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.212 : Dad's New ProfesPSIon!?

Aug 16, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.211 : Still Annoying! Transfer PSItudent

Aug 4, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.210 : The Annoying Transfer PSItudent! Akechi Touma

Aug 4, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.209 : See the RhinoPSIrous! Let's Go to the Zoo!

Aug 4, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.208 : ReviPSIting! The Older Brother's 5 Trials

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.207 : InPSIde the Secret Hideout

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.20 Ch.206 : The DiPSIster of UPSIless ESP

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.205 : ReIntroduPSIng the Spirit Medium

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.204 : The Perfect PrePSInt for a Beloved Little PSIster

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.203 : PSIearching for a Romantic Partner...

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.202 : Class DiPSIster

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.201 : A Miraculous InvenPSIon!?

Jul 23, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.200 : ReconPSItructing the Baseball Club! (Final Part)

Jul 11, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.199 : ReconPSItructing the Baseball Club! (Middle Part)

Jul 11, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.198 : ReconPSItructing the Baseball Club! (First Part)

Jul 11, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.197 : The Genius Artist's ClasPSIroom

Jul 11, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.196 : The PSIperior Love Contest

Jun 2, 2018

Vol.19 Ch.195 : PSIcary Movie: Occult Club

Jun 2, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.194 : Psychic PSIdekicks

May 7, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.193 : The Ultimate Trial of the PSIko Clan

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.192 : The Die is Cast...! A FeroPSIous Card Battle

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.191 : Building the PSItrongest Deck!

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.190 : PrefaPSIng the End

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.189 : AsPSImble! The Ultimate Spot Reservists

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.188 : The DiPSIster of a Beginner Mangaka

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.187 : Mera ChiPSIto's Reunion (2nd Half)

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.186 : Mera ChiPSIto's Reunion (1st Half)

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.185 : Style the PSIdes a Little

Apr 15, 2018

Vol.18 Ch.184 : The DiPSIster of Satou Hiroshi

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.183 : The PSIper Wallet Warrior: 100 Yen Man

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.182 : The Best Possible PSIpport!?

Apr 1, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.181 : Heart Pounding RelaPSIonship Announcement

Apr 1, 2018

Ch.180 : A Miraculously Normal Perpsion Appears!

Feb 25, 2018

Ch.179 : Winter Dipsister

Feb 25, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.178 : A Battle Between the Two AbPSIlutely Worst People

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.177 : PSIolving the Biggest Riddle! (002nd Half)

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.176 : PSIolving the Biggest Riddle! (001st Half)

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.175 : PSImall but Clever! The Adventures of Riki Jr. Mark II

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.174 : Hoping You Get Well PSIoon!!

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.17 Ch.173 : Let's Go! PK Academy PSIkickers!

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.16 Ch.172 : The Calamity of the Silent PSIborg

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.16 Ch.171 : UnPSIghtly, A Bolt From the Blue

Feb 12, 2018

Vol.16 Ch.170

Feb 12, 2018

Vol. Ch.169 : The Rural Mad PSIentist

Feb 4, 2018

Vol. Ch.168 : Espers Should ExcerPSIse Extrame Caution - Second Half

Feb 4, 2018

Vol. Ch.167 : Espers Should ExcerPSIse Extrame Caution - First Half

Feb 4, 2018

Vol. Ch.166 : ReleaPSI Your True Strength!

Feb 4, 2018

Vol.16 Ch.165 : Train DiPSIster

Jan 10, 2018

Vol.16 Ch.164 : The Delicate CircumPSItances of Children

Dec 11, 2017

Vol.16 Ch.163 : Slip Past the Aura PSIght!

Dec 11, 2017

Vol.16 Ch.162 : PSIuper Annoying! A totally bad news transfer student appears!

Dec 11, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.161.5 : The DiPSIster of Teruhashi Kokomi

Dec 11, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.161 : So Long! The Last Day of PSIummer Vacation.

Dec 11, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.160 : PSIki Family Gathering!!

Dec 11, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.159 : Preventing a PSIcam!

Nov 22, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.158 : PSIgning Into the Game World

Nov 22, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.157 : PSIcond Round! Time Leap

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.156 : Death PSIntence! The PK Academy Newspaper Club

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.155 : The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 4

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.154 : The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 3

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.153 : The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 2

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.152 : The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.15 Ch.151 : The PSIko Corporation's Extravagant Cruise

Nov 5, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.150 : Massage DiPSIster

Oct 9, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.149 : CruPSIde! Rifuta vs Teruhashi

Sep 27, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.148 : The Mystifying PSIchic Circus (2nd Half)

Sep 27, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.147 : The Mystifying PSIchic Circus (1st Half)

Sep 27, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.146 : Gifts From a SenPSIble Wife & a Gifted Man

Sep 10, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.145 : RePSIcle! Trash Cleanup Competition

Sep 10, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.144 : PSIpring's Ultimate Weapon

Sep 10, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.143 : The DiPSIster of Rifuta Imu

Sep 10, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.142 : Cutting Through the PSIlence, the Ghost in the Music Room

Sep 10, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.141 : Deceit! PSIpril Fools

Aug 21, 2017

Vol.14 Ch.140 : CongratulaPSIons on Your Graduation!

Aug 21, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.139 : Publication CriPSIs!? Shuensha's Work

Aug 21, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.138 : Come on Over! To PSIko Land

Aug 21, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.137 : The PSIko Corporation Home Visit

Aug 21, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.136 : Place to Place! Mini PSIzed Animal

Aug 10, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.135 : The Lost Hamster PSIpeaks in a Country Accent

Aug 7, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.134 : Kaidou and Kuboyasu's PSIspicions

Aug 7, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.133 : An ExPSIlent Wife and Mother!? Mom's Class Reunion

Aug 7, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.132 : Counter Plan to Prevent a DiPSIster

Aug 7, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.131 : The DiPSIster of All You Can Eat Dessert

Jul 29, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.130 : Your First ExperienPSIs of the New Year are Important

Jul 30, 2017

Vol.13 Ch.129 : Another ChriPSItmas Challenge!

Jul 17, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.128.2 : What if Saiki Kusuo Went to Shokugeki no Souma's World...!?

Jul 17, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.128.1 : Terrace House Dust

Jul 17, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.128 : Osu! Love Challenge

Jul 8, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.127 : Fashion PSInce

Jul 8, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.126 : First Hand PSIence Fiction (3)

Jul 8, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.125 : First Hand PSIence Fiction (2)

Jun 24, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.124 : First Hand PSIence Fiction

Jun 20, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.123 : Out of Control Imagination ExerPSIse!

Jun 17, 2017


Jun 17, 2017


Jun 17, 2017


Jun 17, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.119 : The Ultimate PSInancial Strength of the Saiko Clan

Jun 17, 2017

Vol.12 Ch.118 : The DiPSIster of the Rental Video Store

Jun 7, 2017

Ch.117 : Talent PSIprouts!? The Melancholy of a Famous Magician

Jun 6, 2017

Vol.11 Ch.116 : ReviPSIting! Tsundere Grandpa

Jun 6, 2017

Ch.115 : :

Jun 6, 2017

Vol.11 Ch.114 : The Famous Rich Son of a BuPSIness Conglomerate Appears!

May 26, 2017

Vol.11 Ch.113 : In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Teruhashi's Date Part

May 23, 2017

Ch.112 : In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Motorcycle Training Course Part

May 23, 2017

Ch.111 : In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Clinical Trial Part Time Job Part

May 23, 2017

Ch.110 : In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Tennis Club Part

May 23, 2017

Vol.11 Ch.109 : In the Midst of PSIummer Vacation! Occult Club Part

May 19, 2017

Ch.108 : :

May 20, 2017

Ch.107 : :

May 20, 2017

Ch.106 : :

May 20, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.105 : The Mad PSIentist Appears! Part 3

May 19, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.104 : The Mad PSIentist Appears! Part 2

May 8, 2017

Ch.103 : The Mad PSIentist Appears! Part 1

May 8, 2017

Ch.102 : The Achromatic InviPSIble Boy

Apr 30, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.101 : Court in SesPSIon! The Kokomins Trial

Apr 30, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.100 : Fear! The Curse of the __th Chapter

Apr 30, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.99 : PSImashing! Surprise Party (Second Half)

Apr 21, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.98 : PSImashing! Surprise Party (First Half)

Apr 17, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.97 : The AbPSIlute Worst Chef

Apr 11, 2017

Vol.10 Ch.96 : ExerPSIze Your Wit! The PK Occult Club

Apr 5, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.95 : The PSInnacle of the Golden Age of Heroes! A Fun Party Game

Mar 29, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.94 : PSIjian! Parting with the Grandparents

Mar 14, 2017

Ch.93 : Welcome to the PSIcluded Theme Park

Mar 15, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.92 : BanPSI! Tsundere Grandpa

Mar 7, 2017

Ch.91 : PSIpporting Re-Education

Mar 7, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.90 : The Peak of ExPSItement! Karaoke Party

Feb 22, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.89 : Transform! Super PSIze

Feb 17, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.88 : Press Play! A 'Making Of' PSItory

Feb 6, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.87 : Teruhashi-san ReviPSIts the Saiki House

Jan 31, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.86 : Ready to Go! Runner's PSI!

Jan 28, 2017

Vol.9 Ch.85 : The AbPSIlute Worst Employee

Jan 22, 2017

Vol.8 Ch.84 : Kaidou's PSIspicion (2nd Half)

Jan 13, 2017

Vol.8 Ch.83 : Kaidou's PSIspicion (1st Half)

Jan 11, 2017

Vol.8 Ch.82 : The New Year PSIcle

Jan 4, 2017

Vol.8 Ch.81 : Let's Buy New Home ApPSIances!

Jan 1, 2017

Vol.8 Ch.80 : PSIchic Santa Clause

Dec 25, 2016

Vol.8 Ch.79 : ExcerPSIze your Powers! Toritsuka's Plan to Get Popular

Dec 22, 2016

Ch.78 : :

Dec 22, 2016

Vol.8 Ch.77 : The Most PSItunningly Beautiful Girl vs the Man Who Will Never Fa...

Dec 15, 2016

Ch.76 : The Most PSItunningly Beautiful Girl vs the Man ... l Never Fall ...

Dec 15, 2016

Vol.8 Ch.75 : Piece of Cake RePSIcling! Straw Millionaire

Dec 5, 2016

Ch.74 : Let's Go to the Cultural FestPSIval After Party

Dec 4, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.73 : PubliPSIzing the Popularity Contest Results!

Dec 4, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.72 : Make some Noise! PK Academy's School FePSIval! (2nd half)

Dec 4, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.71 : PK Academy's School FePSIval! (1st half)

Nov 26, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.70 : Sing! Reita RePSItal!

Nov 22, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.69 : What's the Plan!? A Meeting to DePSIde the Class Project

Nov 12, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.68 : RePSItructuring! Cafe Mami

Nov 12, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.67 : APSImble! Nendou Family

Nov 12, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.66 : Transfer Student ~NiPSI to Meet You~

Nov 12, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.65 : Nice to beat you! OutPSIder

Nov 3, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.64 : Saiki Kusuo's Day at the FestPSIval

Oct 29, 2016

Vol.7 Ch.63 : PSIborg Sodaman Mark II vs Mysterious Being Lemonade

Oct 26, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.62.5 : Koro-sensei vs Saiki Kusuo ~The Final Battle in Iruma II~

Oct 20, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.62 : The Biggest Top Rate EnterPSIse? Dad's Work

Oct 20, 2016

Ch.61 : PSI ya Later! The Okinawan School Trip

Oct 20, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.60 : Here we go! The Okinawan PSIchool trip

Oct 12, 2016


Oct 13, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.58 : PSIlutations! The Okinawan school trip

Sep 29, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.57 : PSIardon me! The Okinawan school trip

Sep 21, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.56 : All aboard the ESP ExPSIress! Go!

Sep 10, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.55 : Who is Going to Win? The Destined Group AsPSIgnments

Sep 2, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.54 : PSIki Kusuo's Issues with Gu00e2u0099u0080rls

Aug 27, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.53 : Fly! PSIborg Sodaman Mark II

Aug 24, 2016

Vol.6 Ch.52 : The Most PSIuitible for a Confession!? Spiritual Possession

Aug 20, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.51 : PSI'm Home! Mama

Aug 9, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.50 : Latest Shitty Game ReleaPSI! Olfana's Story

Aug 7, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.49 : A PSImall Love Story

Aug 2, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.48 : Get ExPSIted! Fitness Test

Jul 25, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.47 : The State of Mera-san's PSInances.

Jul 20, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.46 : Weu00e2u20acu2122ll get back together for PSIure this time! Chouno Uryoku (pa...

Jul 18, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.45 : Weu00e2u20acu2122ll get back together for PSIure this time! Chouno Uryoku (pa...

Jul 18, 2016

Ch.44 : ImpoPSIble to intervene!? Nendou vs Kaidou!

Jul 21, 2016

Vol.05 Ch.43 : Return of the PSIper Star!

Jul 8, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.42 : Leave it to Chance! A TroublePSIme Final Exam!

Jul 1, 2016

Vol.5 Ch.41 : Telepathy PSIlencer

Jun 27, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.40.5 : Koro-sensei vs Saiki Kusuo ~the final battle in Iruma~

Jun 25, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.40 : No PSIspicion! Saiki Kurumi

Jun 9, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.39 : The AbPSIlute Worst!? Nendou's Dad

Jun 5, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.38 : Chocolate FePSIvle!

May 29, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.37 : PSImply Terrifying! Matsuzaki-sensei

May 23, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.36 : A Pint-PSIzed King Appears

May 19, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.35 : A PSIreously Annoying New Year's (part 2)

May 13, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.34 : A PSIreously Annoying New Year's (part 1)

May 11, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.33 : Get excited! PSIlnent night!

May 9, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.32 : ExPSIbition! Jump Festa

May 9, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.7.2 : Our Hero Studies

May 4, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.7 : Astral Projection

Apr 27, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.6 : Clairvoyance

Apr 20, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.5 : Teleportation

Apr 14, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.4 : Precognition

Apr 9, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.3 : X-Ray Vision

Apr 3, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.33 : Get excited! PSIlnent night!

Dec 25, 2015

Vol.00 Ch.2 : Telekinesis

Mar 29, 2016

Vol.00 Ch.1 : Telepathy

Jan 16, 2016

Vol.4 Ch.31 : Stop it! The Murder Switch!

Jan 6, 2016

Vol.3 Ch.30

Dec 9, 2015

Ch.29.5 : Special Oneshot: Improvisational Theatre

Jul 2, 2016

Vol.3 Ch.29

Dec 9, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.28 : To Prevent a Psisaster

Dec 9, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.27 : Luxury Coffee 'PSI'lly

May 2, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.26

Apr 4, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.25 : The Hair that Burned Out

Mar 24, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.24

Mar 17, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.23

Mar 1, 2015

Vol.3 Ch.22 : Burn! PK Academy Sports Festival! ~Part 1~

Sep 7, 2014

Vol.3 Ch.21

Aug 3, 2014

Vol.3 Ch.20

Jul 21, 2014

Vol.3 Ch.19 : In PSIearch of Hairo Kineshi's Wooden Materials

Jul 18, 2014

Vol.2 Ch.18.5 : Your House Is Haunted

Jul 11, 2014


Jun 21, 2014

Ch.17 : Please Make Me Your DePSIple

Jun 21, 2014

Ch.16 : School is Back in PSIssion! Nendou's Melancholy

Jun 21, 2014

Ch.15 : A House Sitting DiPSIster

Jun 21, 2014


May 6, 2014


May 6, 2014

Ch.12 : Beach PSIde Summer Story

May 6, 2014

Ch.11 : How PSIspicious! The Dark Reunion!

Apr 23, 2014


Apr 7, 2014

Ch.9 : RedePSIgning the Saikis' House! A Dramatic Overhaul!!

Apr 7, 2014


Jun 18, 2013


Apr 22, 2013


Apr 2, 2013


Mar 22, 2013


Sep 30, 2012

Ch.4 : Three Men, a Little Girl, a Policeman and a Dog

Sep 30, 2012

Ch.3 : The Jet-Black Wing, Kaidou Shun

Sep 30, 2012

Ch.2 : The Ab-psi-lute Worst!? Nendou Riki

Sep 30, 2012

Ch.1 : The Disaster of a Psi User

Sep 30, 2012
click to show all of the chapters


These lists have this manga