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Aug 8, 2014

Ch.21 : About How History Has Definitely Changed

Aug 5, 2014

Ch.20 : About How The World Didn't End

Aug 4, 2014

Ch.19 : About How I'm Not Qualified

Aug 3, 2014

Ch.18 : About How I Wasn't That Surprised

Jun 20, 2014

Ch.17 : About How I Hurt Her

Jun 17, 2014

Ch.16 : About Not Wanting to Hurt Anyone

Jun 13, 2014

Ch.15 : About the Fact That I Can't Do Anything For Her

Mar 17, 2014

Ch.14 : About Letting the Future Change

Mar 9, 2014

Ch.13 : About Not Being Whether I Should Interfere or Not

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.12 : About Not Being the Kind of Person to Do Things for Others

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.11 : About Being Worried About You

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.10 : About Incidents Thought To Be In The Distant Past

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.9 : About How I'm not Fond of Sweet Things

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.8 : About a Sweet and Sentimental High-Schooler

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.7 : About a Dramatic Change in History

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.6 : About Whether the Pain Is In My Head or My Foot

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.5 : About the Things that Can't be Helped

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.4 : About Slowly Incurring Someone's Hate

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.3 : About Too Many Girls with a Connection

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.2 : About Meeting Her in the Library

Feb 4, 2014

Ch.1 : Read Online

Feb 4, 2014
click to show all of the chapters


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