tried to kill yourself

People who did this (770)
2023-07-19 03:56:35
2023-07-18 21:00:25
2022-09-29 12:10:55
2022-09-26 12:31:20

maybe I won't give up just yet, but oh to be silent forever
2022-07-26 01:30:36
2022-07-22 23:47:15

It was back in January. Horrible time, rly. Finna jump off of a cliff but I talked with a friend of mine so here I am, Ig
2022-07-22 14:10:23

It was a while ago I was sooooo depressed at that time and still am depressed but like I was so depressed to the Pont I tried to kill myself
2022-06-08 18:50:05

I think I was 7 when I did that,,, yeah, I was crazy back then Ah hah ha ha
2022-05-31 11:35:17

well, tried it with like 47-48 pills at once. it lasted like 9 months to make me try it. it was not a nice experience but im kinda over it.
2022-05-03 16:45:14

2022-04-26 07:24:40

So how'd it go? Presumably it failed since you're still here-- jk are you alr?
2022-04-26 06:34:14

2022-02-11 13:12:15
2022-01-09 20:57:11
2021-12-29 11:58:05
2021-12-11 11:06:48
2021-12-07 11:06:21

Idk, yes I had some thoughts and imagine the scenarios but I never really carried out the plans, I love myself too much for that.
2021-11-08 07:53:31

oh my fucking gAddd why didnt i check my mail i fucking miss it NooOOO im fuing done GaaHHH fukfukfukfuk goodmmit
2021-10-17 02:25:59
2021-10-06 19:15:46

Did it in my teens