your first pet

People who did this (118)
2020-06-02 14:36:09

Around seven lovebirds. They got killed by some kind of animal, super gruesome. I was only eight or so.
2020-06-02 12:41:48

Yea, i DID have a pet guinea pig (┳Д┳)
2020-06-02 06:39:03
2020-06-02 04:32:49

Cats've been there my whole life so yee
2020-06-02 04:17:01

A pink chick I bought from school..
2020-06-02 03:04:12

I had catfish in my manmade pond and rabbits
2020-06-02 01:00:51

I had a ferret!!
2020-01-04 00:53:54

A fish named Dew
2018-08-30 19:19:57
2018-08-21 00:25:28
2018-07-23 04:03:23
2018-07-23 01:33:26

My first pet was a bunny! It was white and had red eyes, we called it bun
2018-07-22 17:22:21

My 1st pet was a tortoiseshell cat named Petunia and she was very small and sweet. I've loved cats ever since and always have at least one!
2018-07-22 07:30:26
2018-07-22 00:17:06
2018-04-06 15:02:22
2018-02-20 07:29:51

Yes, a cactus and doggo mix named Lady. Very good dog.
2018-02-20 05:53:30
2018-02-13 03:38:33

A white boxer named "Boogan". She had a black/brown eye and a stubby tail....She would wriggle her butt when she was excited to see us.
2018-02-13 02:06:07

A turtle called "Esmeralda".