2021-02-17 22:36:38
2021-02-17 21:34:14
2021-02-17 21:05:47
I had a pet hamster and i hugged it and spinned it so hard i killed it :( I also had a pet rabbit and 2 birds i ended up killing them too
2021-02-17 18:04:39
I was 5 when I organized a marriage for my first dog and cat but they divorced later dunno why :c
2020-12-02 23:50:58
My brother. My mom got it by mistake so now im thinking abt selling it. Like I asked my mom for a cat not a bitch.
2020-12-02 21:30:03
I remember having like 5-6 fishes as a pet, they were pretty fun for a week until 1 fish died one day at a time
2020-12-02 21:24:45
Fish named rocky, fed him some Reece’s puffs and he died. Can we gat an fin the chat.
2020-12-02 21:23:02
it was a dog, until we found out our mom was allergic to dogs.
2020-10-10 19:52:16
my precious rock uwu
jk it was a fish... I forgot what type but I liked it
2020-09-28 19:37:42
2020-06-09 11:07:41
I got like 5 goldfish on the same day three died on they way and one died because I forgot to feed them but my last goldfish survived a week
2020-06-02 21:13:56