2021-06-24 18:58:31
i have an inferiority complex, im working on getting rid of it and improving myself
2021-06-24 18:27:38
2021-06-24 18:23:13
2021-06-11 14:53:33
2021-06-04 07:20:46
2021-05-19 13:19:57
2021-05-17 17:13:01
2021-05-06 19:57:48
2021-05-06 19:51:29
2021-05-05 22:26:16
2021-05-05 17:14:25
2021-05-04 20:36:04
2021-05-04 19:07:28
2021-05-04 18:53:51
2021-05-04 18:20:51
i simultaneously love and hate myself at the same time (im leaning on the hate side more) lol