learn to sew

People who want to do this (13)
2024-03-17 03:48:57
2023-07-18 18:52:35

bro thatd be so cool! my nan knows how to but never asked her to teach me lol
2021-11-23 07:31:19
2021-11-21 07:13:21

I did when I was on 4th Grade... But I don't know how to anymore (´;д;)
2021-10-10 00:31:22

my useless ass doesnt even know how to sew a button back (& i can see the light in mum's eyes die a little more every time i tell her so)
2021-08-24 22:07:12

Piss Boy your opinion is trash.
2020-11-26 10:29:33
2020-09-05 01:00:41

i wouldnt say i want to...but last time i tried i pierced myself so no-
2020-09-05 00:54:58

2020-09-05 00:18:11

I want to make clothing for stuffed animals.
2020-09-04 23:55:11

i feel like this is a fun hobby
2020-02-03 03:43:45
2019-10-06 03:15:37