coming out of the closet

People who did this (37)
2024-05-24 04:29:19

{Nonbinary / Pan} I'm very open about my pronouns and don't hesitate to show attraction to people, but I don't openly say exactly what I am.
2024-05-23 15:48:53

Fashionably? Yes. Sexually? No
2024-02-17 21:19:49
2024-01-15 05:35:23
2024-01-15 03:22:51

three years ago on the fourth of february 2024, i came out as transgender to my family and friends. i cried a lot, but now i'm happier.
2024-01-14 23:39:20
2024-01-14 21:13:53

i came out of the closet to my best friend back in 04. he stopped being my friend....20 years later we're happily married with 2 kids.
2024-01-14 20:07:59

Everyone knows I am Bi but my family prefers to pretend not to know
2023-08-14 07:47:34
2021-12-07 18:30:59

and if you can't find any you like on the list, mail me the specific genres you want and I'll happily compile some reccs for you!!
2021-09-17 22:59:30

I came out as Bi. Repeatedly.
2021-07-26 12:02:35

Only to some ppl here NO WAY WILL I DO THAT IRL
2021-04-20 05:04:40

Haft of my body was out.
2020-12-16 04:59:27
2020-12-01 08:18:19
2020-12-01 07:39:45

Hi! I came out of the closet a year ago to my family but most of my family did not accept it. I do love the acceptance of my friends <3
2020-12-01 05:52:47

Came out as trans and was pushed right back in the closet
2020-12-01 05:31:27
2020-12-01 05:20:46

2020-12-01 02:14:00