strange experience

People who did this (26)
2024-09-14 15:07:05

Older men forcing a young girl to address them as she/her/madam/miss. Dumbasses. Even a kid knows it's wrong.
2024-02-17 21:33:20

A lot, lol
2023-11-02 04:43:29

i watched a guy who looked like a crazy prof. get a red folder stolen from his comically large backpack by 2 ppl that looked like spies
2023-02-01 15:23:21

there is a good romance The broken ring , even those who dont read straight things can come to like it. i did
2021-06-30 01:24:34

2021-06-30 00:27:43

i was born
2021-06-29 14:04:57
2021-06-29 13:36:14
2021-06-16 17:15:25
2021-06-16 15:19:05

keep having a same dream
2021-06-10 19:03:22
2021-06-04 17:11:59
2021-05-23 11:38:41
2021-05-11 01:28:56

I dreamed on being in big moms island and rn i can still remember it vividly ps. there we're A LOT of candies and they tasted good too
2021-05-05 00:13:47
2021-04-25 23:02:31
2021-04-23 14:26:25
2021-04-23 13:27:10

taking a walk with my cousin when a drunk dude started walking to us and we got scared so we started running
2021-04-23 12:31:51

2021-04-23 01:04:54