
People who did this (16)
2023-12-12 17:45:56
2021-06-28 05:23:16

With myself to the kitchen at night (ӦvӦ。)
2021-06-28 05:15:30

With myself lol I have fun everytime
2021-06-14 20:37:14

it's suck,especially when date at age 16. We better single first
2021-02-21 07:26:32

today is the 21st of february
2020-10-09 10:03:26

Ye I’ve went on dates before,, the first time I didn’t even realise it was a date tho kek-
2020-09-18 16:06:15

Yes they taste very good :)
2020-08-29 05:45:07

Date with my toes which I drew smiley faces on
2020-06-14 02:50:50
2020-01-08 12:47:41
2020-01-07 20:20:42
2020-01-06 20:35:35
2020-01-06 07:34:43

He broke my heart tho
2020-01-06 06:00:20

I've done a hell of a lot of dating from 15 to 25. Finally happily engaged to be married to the most wonderful man in the world.
2018-03-19 19:26:10
2017-07-03 18:58:02

well I didn't really like the other party that much, but I didn't want to be an asshole and refuse them...