set something on fire

People who did this (164)
2021-07-18 00:04:04
2021-07-15 19:11:45
2021-07-15 15:31:56
2021-07-15 15:28:39

my modules. (just one doe, thankfully teachers didnt found out lmao)
2021-07-13 20:53:53
2021-07-10 00:21:26
2021-06-03 18:58:05

I 'accidentally' burned our single-person couch on fire.. Luckily it was outside and my mom was watering plants-
2021-06-03 18:40:37
2021-06-02 14:15:15
2021-05-29 05:13:01

i was making hashbrowns this morning and i forgot about them because i was in class and they burnt hehehe
2021-05-29 05:01:05

My hair ;-; I have issues...
2021-05-29 04:52:15

Ya, I didn’t add water to my microwavable mac & cheese cup and it got a spark of flame. It was a fun night
2021-05-29 03:33:31

A pile of paper. Don't ask me how-
2021-05-29 02:04:27

yeah my finger! I'm doing a trick but...
2021-05-29 01:49:42

Did set my hand on fire w/ alcohol after watchin some experiments and i thought 'wah sugoi, want it 2' but our hs was burnt to ashes 2yr/ago
2021-05-29 01:21:22

i threw a paper at a fire then i threw it under my couch
2021-05-29 00:43:41

I almost burned the house cause of a coffee
2021-05-27 20:51:57

arson? more like crime brûlée
2021-05-27 20:44:02
2021-05-27 20:22:14