set something on fire

People who did this (164)
2024-02-22 22:55:44

Gay people... oops me and my clumsy hands >///< #BURN
2023-12-20 02:00:12

I set a whole pan on fire once whoopsie tehe
2023-12-20 01:57:19

When I was like 8 I was in my parents bathroom, there was a lighter and tp I set the to on fire, got scared, dropped it and burnt their show
2023-12-20 01:19:40
2023-12-20 00:57:25

I set fire to a paper towel and freaked the fuck out I almost dropped it and killed myself. 6/10 would recommend
2023-12-19 23:48:17

The plants in my house. I used to take incense sticks and poke holes into them for fun. Now I have a desire to burn paper.
2023-10-29 16:49:23
2023-09-01 13:50:54
2023-09-01 03:58:04

Set my kitchen countertop on fire
2023-08-03 07:11:42

I set a tree on fire when I was a kid and blamed our neighbor was found out though and my parents almost killed me lmao
2023-08-01 23:16:10

A lot of things lmao. I grew up angry.
2023-08-01 20:37:32
2023-08-01 19:42:15

Yes, a colleen hoover book
2022-06-01 09:16:06

I want to set my house on fire out of spite so I can drag all these motherfuckers who ruined my mental health down with me
2022-05-04 17:56:42

Lmao, seeing this thing I remembered tryna be aesthetic for my journal hw and almost set the whole nb on fire. It was fun jkjk
2022-03-24 05:22:01

When people before me took a dump in the toilet and not bothering to tell me that flush is broken and just swagger their way out.
2022-02-05 10:38:15
2022-01-24 02:48:43
2021-11-22 21:07:08

I’m in the mood to commit arson anyone wanna come?
2021-08-29 12:12:24
