have a habit

People who did this (33)
2023-08-29 15:36:10
2021-07-25 01:24:52

wow there's literally no comment and question section... that's sad :<<
2021-07-25 01:23:39

Me too
2021-07-15 17:14:30

Saying sorry for no reason and saying ohh every time i say something.. Yeah
2021-07-01 12:00:40

only bad habits
2021-06-02 18:42:02

cracking my knuckles all the time & scratching my skin when mad or anxious
2021-04-06 21:14:18

watching anything horror
2021-04-06 20:01:11

i have a bad habit of biting my nails and taking skin off off my lips o0o
2020-12-08 21:18:25
2020-12-06 20:03:49
2020-12-06 19:56:28
2020-12-06 19:03:26

Biting my lips
2020-09-27 15:24:38

Talking to myself, laughing in the mirror and tell the lies behind your words.
2020-09-27 15:22:40

I have a habit of picking my hair bit by bit when i’m stressed,mad,exited or sad, and because of that habit I have a bald spot :)
2020-09-20 13:56:15

Stomping half of my soles/shaking both of my legs on the floor while sitting
2020-09-20 13:45:28

bite my nails (softly tho) when i have alot of pressure, angry, or anxiety
2020-09-20 11:10:58
2020-09-20 10:46:15

Staring at other people's eyes for like a minute.
2020-09-20 10:20:44

being picky
2020-09-20 09:58:00

Reading gae bookz <3