2021-05-28 23:05:20
2021-05-28 21:55:40
2021-05-28 21:54:54
well ...i start liking them but when they start getting feelings 4 me, I forget they even exist and i need to stop doing that
2021-05-28 21:37:07
have crush on my fucking brother when i was cringey 12 years old doki2 kid and the cringeness finally come to my mind when I was 17. fuck me
2021-05-28 21:20:35
my dad was handsome back then and he started growing old so I stopped having a crush on my dad. I don't regret it btw,call me weird idc hehe
2021-05-28 21:11:29
I fell in love with my cousin when I was 6 years old, it was the first and the only time I loved someone lol
2021-05-28 21:02:20
I did and he doesn't know I haven't told him
cause I know he would reject me so I decided not to
Like him but I still like him
2021-05-28 19:12:34
im a guy and i fell for my guy bestfriend:(( he's straight ofc and im just a dummy, we're still besties
2021-05-28 18:50:01
i almost fucked up my school life for him, im glad that he hates me... and yeah after a year i went through some shit and now Im bi ;)
2021-05-28 16:55:42
I got the courage to ask him out after 3 years, but he had just figured out he was gay the day before. I was heartbroken. So now I read yaoi
2021-05-28 08:51:01
My boy bestfriend. 3 years ago, I confess to him and he's really mad. Every time I talk to him, he is mad and shouting at me :'(
2021-05-15 11:57:39
2021-05-11 03:41:59
2021-05-07 18:12:20