can't be too emotional

People who did this (13)
2023-09-23 07:57:30
2022-04-07 07:35:53

The thing is they were not even that bad, the opposite team was just really good, yet they kept getting called trash, burdens etc.
2021-04-22 17:48:52

it's kinda disgusting tbh
2021-04-08 21:14:46

I usually don't show my emotions but when i do it's in bulk (the last time i showed my emotions i ended up having a panic attack)
2021-04-08 21:06:25

I care too much about everything and stress because of which i can get an attack panic... yeah, im too emotional..
2021-04-08 20:22:40

Yes u can't be too emotional it's a headache if u r..ppl around u may not say tht.. but it is troublesome..
2021-04-08 20:01:19

I often force myself to ignore neg. emotions, which results in procrastination, which leads to a vicious cycle of more neg. emotions :)
2020-11-11 23:52:10

I don't want to seem weak and get betrayed.
2020-08-16 04:12:01

a really close family member died and everyone was crying and i am there being sad but not showing it
2020-08-15 22:56:36

I feel numb from time to time, it breaks sometimes yes but it always comes back again. Honestly it helps me go through lots of things...
2020-08-15 18:08:31

i used to be very sensitive. i thought i changed but nope i just made my self esteem go lower.
2020-08-07 03:23:05

I joke around a lot but believe me I'm a sensitive lil bitch if you even look at me weirdly I'ma have a whole ass mental breakdown
2020-07-24 18:59:33