have a phobia

People who did this (186)
2021-07-17 12:23:33

Scared of ppl phobia
2021-07-17 12:21:08

I have. It's called Toxicassparentsphobia
2021-07-17 12:19:27

Fuck darkness cause I can't fucking see who's grabbing my dildos
2021-07-17 11:22:41

scared talking to people — phobia
2021-07-17 11:18:12

I Do. Tryphobia
2021-07-17 11:06:42

Kakorrhaphiophobia, Thalassaphobia, Autophobia
2021-07-17 10:50:29

Phasmophobia and now I am developing Androphobia :'l
2021-07-17 10:46:39

2021-07-17 10:28:19

globophobia lmfao
2021-07-17 10:12:53

Autophobia, Thalassophobia, Kenophobia & Katsaridaphobia
2021-07-17 10:07:30

2021-07-17 10:02:11
2021-07-17 09:53:52
2021-07-17 09:48:43

claustrophobia and acrophobia
2021-07-17 09:46:53
2021-07-17 09:37:51

I have misophonia, acrophobia, catagelophobia, entomophobia, and autophobia
2021-07-17 09:24:40

yep. Thalassophobia
2021-07-17 08:57:51

I have trypophobia and helminthophobia,, ooh and i also have fear of escalators:))
2021-07-17 08:20:43

i have ombrophobia. i was 5, my dad was about to pick me up. but when i saw his car, immediately run, and got into car accident.
2021-07-17 06:58:40

I’m scared of spiders I found a spider the sizer of half my palm sitting in my tub like 2 hours ago and sprayed that bitch to death,why...