2020-03-22 23:35:57
2020-03-22 22:57:21
i got Enneagram Type 5 - The Investigator
and i think this is pretty much me. Im pleased with the test.
2020-03-22 21:59:35
I got type 5 with 5w4 wing and I feel that it really does match with me
2020-03-22 12:54:16
"You are most likely a type 3 or 9.
Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 3w2 or 9w8"
a mix of the two... well I think I can see why
2020-03-22 09:38:58
2020-03-22 09:10:14
I'm a type 9 - The Peacemaker followed by type 7 - The Enthusiast. They came in real close.
2020-03-22 09:04:21
1st test 6w5 seems pretty accurate to me aaa anxiety + borderline depression, yep that's definitely me
2nd test 6w7 sp hmmm
2020-03-22 08:29:03
2020-03-22 08:17:37
2020-03-22 01:21:28
2020-03-22 01:02:51