travel to a different country

People who want to do this (149)
2018-09-22 07:45:41
2018-09-21 19:34:42
2018-09-21 01:28:46
2018-06-27 18:38:09

i want to go to swiss and japan
2018-04-22 11:08:32
2018-04-22 03:17:04

YES. Just send me a ticket. I NEED TO GET AWAY. I want a break. *mentally crying*
2018-04-20 04:32:06

New zealand <3
2017-12-15 08:13:44

2017-11-25 06:34:41
2017-10-24 19:44:14
2017-10-23 22:50:45

I want to travel to alot of countries but only after I learn their language fluently which might be hard since I have no one to talk to 〒_〒
2017-10-16 23:11:18
2017-10-16 22:59:39

I wanna have my own world adventures and surround myself in food and culture
2017-09-02 19:59:44

I really wish to meet my best friend.
2017-08-16 04:08:47

i wanna go to japan & south korea (obviously) but also parts of england and south america
2017-06-24 05:24:22
2017-06-22 13:46:36

I've always wanted to travel to a different country. I've been all around the states and even to the Bahamas once but Europe is my goal!
2017-06-18 23:00:19
2017-06-18 17:58:02

actually I want to travel all over the world but I cant
2017-03-18 05:41:20