2017-01-03 15:15:38
2017-01-03 05:02:05
2017-01-02 12:50:10
I'm an introvert. Being at home after working or on holiday is heaven for me.
2017-01-02 08:34:52
2017-01-02 06:12:56
stayed once at home for like 5 days in a row, no going out. I bet I could do much longer if I didn't need to do the groceries myself.
2017-01-02 05:10:09
2017-01-01 22:24:53
the fuck am i doing with my life?
*keep on reading dark and twisted yaoi in the dark*
2017-01-01 11:16:11
2017-01-01 04:48:55
When I'm super depressed I barely have the strength to leave my bed, so I just ditch the universe for days at a time
2017-01-01 04:44:38
The thought of getting ready, picking out an outfit doing my hair and putting makeup, shufling among a sea of people disheartens me.
2017-01-01 02:07:12
I stayed in for just over a month then ma bf and mom dragged me out because they said I was turning into a hermit what ever that means
2017-01-01 00:11:38
2016-12-31 12:42:23
2016-12-31 08:19:47
Man it's my thing to stay at home sometimes boring or interesting
2016-12-30 22:58:38
My parents don't like driving, probably left the house only around 5 times over the whole summer break.
2016-12-29 14:27:12