don't_talk_to_me want to do (31)

chat about anything 2021-09-30
talking with people 2021-07-06
piercings 2021-06-19
survived depression 2021-06-15
lets sleeeep 2021-06-11
seeing ufo 2021-06-02
talk to an insect 2021-05-30
eat ice cream 2021-05-30
heat or period 2021-05-29
travel abroad 2021-05-26
needing therapy 2021-05-25
buy a figurine 2021-05-17
adopting cats 2021-05-15
watch lgbt movie 2021-05-15
pet an animal 2021-04-12
having friends 2021-04-12
turn into a guy 2021-03-10
discuss psychopaths 2021-01-23
made true friends 2020-03-21
get a tattoo 2020-03-21
getting piercings 2020-03-21