Question page 1952 (39187)

31 08,2016
This question was asked on the main page, but imo it needs further recognition and studies.

How do you call your penis/how would you call it if you had one (for girls)?

Mine would be called Joker in The Pack.
Give me your ideas for great nicknames (≧∀≦)
31 08,2016
about nicknames
I just want to know other people nickname and how/ why they got it (⊙ヮ⊙)
For starters, my nickname is zombie, vampire, etc (everything related to undead) because I have a really pale face!! I'm even whiter than a white person!! (not mean to be racism) Many people already asked me if I'm sick/ do you want to go to the hospital when I'm perfectly fine ._. (I'm already used to it though)
So that is my nickname!!
What about yours?? (。 ◕‿‿◕ 。)
29 08,2016
I've got quite alot but I really like Konya mo Nemurenai
(Rikiya x Endo) Kuroneko Kareshi no Asobikata (Shingo x Keiichi) Crimson Spell (Val x Hallwil) Bouzu to Kumo( Buddhist monk x Spider monster) Datte Maou-sama Wa Kare Ga Kirai (demon king x Hero)
28 08,2016
I have alot but my favorite is Ashitaka x Noshiro from Puchitto Hajiketa.
28 08,2016
My favourite Tokyo Ghoul character is Uta (I think his the hottest character too then kaneki) My favourite ship are Uta and Juuzou, kaneki and hide
27 08,2016
I think that learning South Korea and Japanese would be fun
And if I were to to learn Japanese or South Korea it would be better to watch a anime manga or a movie without any subs and I wouldn't wait for it either
And I would understand what a song or TV show means
And I don't think I am the only one having these problems
24 08,2016
To make reading manga more exciting I like imagine my favorite voice actors and actresses playing the character whether it be an English dub voice or a Japanese sub voice I think it brings more joy and excitement to whatever I read. Does anyone else feel the same way?
23 08,2016
I have a bit of an odd tale to tell, but it may not be the only tale of its kind. I used to fear men. It wasn't that I would see one and actually scream or anything, I was just hesitant to interact with them and overtime, due to a mixture of my own weird thoughts and weird friends, I had developed a mindset that made me believe that it was weird for people of the opposite gender to interact with each other unless they were in love with each other, and in that case they should be going out. It was awful. Obviously, I realize how messed up that way of thinking was at this point in my life. It was just that no one had ever told me anything to counteract these beliefs. Soon enough, I started to feel left out. More and more people were just intermingling, regardless of gender, in a non-romantic way. Even I was finding guys more interesting in that aspect. I felt that we might actually have more in common than what I had with girls. Nevertheless, I was still afraid. I was afraid of how people would react, I was afraid of being rejected, I was afraid of everyone. I wanted to change that. I needed to put more of myself out there, take a risk. Not too long after I had that revelation, I switched schools. I made it one of my goals to make more friends, no matter the gender. And I did, it wasn't as hard as I had made it out to be in my head. It had kind of helped me that I had given up all kinds of romantic thoughts at that point (even I'm still confused about this, don't ask). Basically, I looked at people more as- people. However, there was still that underlying fear that everyone was looking down on me, and if I interacted with more guys something bad was gonna happen. TIME LEAP- Here's a summary of what happened sometime during all that jazz (note how I don't say "quick"): I started watching anime one night when I was bored and I discovered that it actually wasn't trash (as had been drilled into the past me's mind). I spent nearly an ENTIRE summer sitting in my bedroom watching anime. It was sad. I bought a Blue Exorcist shirt (It was too small, but I treasured it too much to ever return it. It sits in my closet to this day). Anyways, I already held a sort of fascination regarding the LGBTQ+ community around that time, but I didn't actually know a lot about it. I just knew that people could love each other, even if they were the same gender, and that sometimes people wanted to be a different gender than the one they were born as. I had never really gotten much of an explanation beyond that, the people around me just didn't really talk about it. They didn't really talk about a lot of things. That was when, like a beam of light, I was looking at the Anime Romance category on Hulu (sue me, I love Hulu, it crushes Netflix in all their selections don't argue with me I'll fight you) and suddenly, I see a colorful looking banner (what else should I call that thing? I really don't know) for a show called "Love Stage!". I immediately locked onto that image out of all the others. I already had my suspicions at that point, and so I decided to turn to the best source of all: Google. Thus, I discovered yaoi. It started with me whizzing through the entirety of Love Stage! in one night. Then it was Junjou Romantica. Soon after that, I switched to manga, seeing as it had even more yaoi opportunities. At first, I was a bit shocked to see such *cough cough- ahem* graphic materials. But I enjoyed them, and that was part of what shocked me the most. I remember the very moment that I had to pause my reading to say out loud: "Yep. I'm a pervert now. Oh well." I had resigned myself to my fate, and it felt wonderful. What I didn't expect from that was that I was more aware of men's FEELINGS. Even when I had been on my mission to make more friends, I had operated off of the idea that if you did certain things, you could make yourself seem more relatable. There was this idea that said that men didn't feel the same things as women, that men were either nerdy or goofy robots. By getting more immersed into the BL world, I read so many shounen ai and yaoi that focused on the complicated emotions that boys felt about things like family and love. I realized that maybe we really weren't different at all. Maybe that way of thinking was just an odd thing that society had perpetuated overtime to make people more divided. I started to LISTEN more to what my friends were saying, instead of analyzing our conversations to see what the "appropriate" response was. I felt more happy and free than I ever had before, and I could see more of those emotions reflected on those close friends that I had made during that time. I could see when they were upset, I could see when they were overjoyed, I could see them. It was the most magical feeling in the world. I learned more and more about things like gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, etc. I began to look at people in a new light, a beautiful light. I became a more educated person, a more open person, and a more happy person. Yaoi helped me to become the person that I am today. I have actual EMOTIONS now, which is pretty cool. My love for yaoi helped me love myself and others. For that, I must thank it. How has yaoi improved your life?
21 08,2016
I have a lot but I can choose two of them that I think that they are really similar
Asami Ryuichi from "you're my loveprize in viewfinder" and Mookyul Eun from "Totally captivated"
21 08,2016
20 08,2016
I can understand 5 languages including my native language, ok so I can understand serbian croatian bulgarian macedonian english and french(not very much I just know the basic things like introducing myself, it's my second foreign language and it's my third year learning it and I cheated on every exam till now and will in the future) and now i'm trying to learn german, but i'm still thinking about it should i or should i not?
20 08,2016
I had like this really weird dream about Black Butler.... I was in a construction site and Ciel had gotten stuck like in this nearby tunnel (I DON'T KNOW HOW HE'S NOT THAT FAT XD) then I look up and Sebastian is on a skyscraper (o_O) and then he jumps down and saves Ciel and then I dunno what happened but suddenly we're in a mirrorhouse or something and the dream ends there.. When I woke up I was like "What the actual fuck just happened...." XD I was really disappointed tho, I wanted it to continue, even if it looked like I was on LSD lol
20 08,2016
Can I just say that sometimes when I feel extremely stressed out I just need to sit and re-watch the first episode of Junjou Romantica? It just really helps soothe my soul, and I like re-experiencing the feels. Does anyone else do something like this when they're stressed? I'm just curious. What magical remedy soothes your soul?
20 08,2016
that would be the greatest couple duo ever tbh(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
19 08,2016
greenrain 16 08,2016
Is anyone heading there this year?
16 08,2016
yeeeeea. it was like in middle school. when my very close best friend betrayed anime (when she was a complete weaboo) and got into something COMPLETELY the opposite. my heart was in fire when I see her insulting anime and manga while admiring her new thing that she loved. like bruh! you abandon anime!. thats mean the word "anime" should not be in your dirty tongue of yours!.
15 08,2016
People always assume that I'm a bad kid or they are scared of me because of my eyes. I always end up in fights that I don't want to be in or whenever I try talking to someone they either think I'm going to beat them or rob them.
15 08,2016
In shoujo manga relationships starts like this, First the confession, than dating (for sometime), and lastly kiss (sex).
In yaoi manga it starts like this, first the confession than a kiss that leads to sex (on the same day) than that means they're dating.
Am I the only one that realise that?
15 08,2016
Everyone has different types of fears so what's your worst fear? mine is to be stuck in a narrow area
14 08,2016
most of the question will involve YOU! no need to answer ALL of them

Question 1: you ordered a yaoi mangas (a lot of them) , and didn't expect it to arrive today, and you are out shopping and the driver calls you. what will you say??.

Question 2: what weird faces do you do when you are reading yaoi (▰˘◡˘▰)

Question 3: what type of reaction do you make when seeing a cute scene in a yaoi manga?

Question 4: You are at an anime/manga convention, you saw a cosplay of your fav yaoi character, what will you??

Question 5: You are in a bus, unfortunately between two gays that are flirting with each other (sooo awkward i know. my roleplays suck i know that too) what are you gunna do??

Question 6: you r reading your never-get-bored-of fav yaoi manga online. and then suddenly there was a sudden power outage. what will u do??
14 08,2016
yea I had 1....befoe I got into yaoi...( ̄∇ ̄")
14 08,2016

People are doing

did being queer

men are trash

56 minutes
did being queer

and i experienced a 3 year abuse

58 minutes
did receive kabedon


1 hours

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing