Question page 1951 (39240)

What kind of music do you listen to? What do you listen to during certain moods? Does music help you cope? What memories do you associate with certain songs? Sorry that took a rather personal turn ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
10 12,2016
I've been wondering what would have happened to Ichigo from Bleach if he had never touched that ghost or met Rukia. Would he still end up a soul reaper considering his DNA?
10 12,2016
08 12,2016
Does anyone have or want tattoos? If you do have tattoos, what are they and if you don't have any, what tattoo do you want to get in the future?
08 12,2016
I'm sooooo bored all the time.
I always wish someone would die in my familly, or social services take me to a care home just so I can have something interesting happening. Obviously I would be upset if my family died, but it would be different and fun at the same time.
To what extent are u guys bored?
08 12,2016
Do you or don't you delete it? Has anyone ever looked at it, and what's in it? I'm not trying to stalk you, but hey, I'm just interest on how others deal with their computer history. (=・ω・=)

I use to wait hourly to delete the yaoi off my history. It got to a point were I was tried of it, and just didn't feel like doing it, so I forgot many, many times. So, what did I do? I deleted all my history on accident.... ( ̄∇ ̄")
Then, BAM! I discovered incognito mode. I felt kind of dumb for not knowing it was there, and for always ignoring the warning it gave me whenever I deleted my history. But, no worries, because now I'm happily reading yaoi and listening to Fullmetal Alchemist Ending Track 5 on incognito mode! Oh, how lucky I am! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
08 12,2016
Do you talk about yaoi to others who don't get it, or make references that refer to yaoi? When I ask this, I mean shipping, puns/jokes, embracing the gay, think of yaoi at certain times, or even just being a weeb! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I, personally, have these thoughts quite often... ( ̄へ ̄)I'm not a weeb, but whenever I see 2 decent looking men, the thought just comes up! I only talk to few people about ships, but not how deeply sexual it can be! This choice is normal, and it's not that I hate myself or am ashamed of it, but I don't think the world, nor my small friend circle, is prepared for such a thing! (●'◡'●)ノ
08 12,2016
I'm a lesbian and my fellow yaoi-reading friends from real life are either bi or pan. But the comments I read on here mainly seem to come from straight women, so I'm kind of curious. Are there any LGBTQ people on here?
07 12,2016
I was in a same sex relationship for over 6 years. I was 17 then and now I'm 24 .. It ended last May but until now I just can't moved on. I feel like my time has stopped. I gave up everything for her sake. Even my friends but now that she is older she just threw me away.
06 12,2016
So, a little while ago I had this discussion with my brother, as we're both working adults now.
There are this social stigma and peer pressure around us (unlike when we're both still young ) that the normal thing to do is to get married.
If not, you're weird, or something is wrong with you.
But honestly ? seriously? will you ?
05 12,2016
05 12,2016
what's it like being you? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
05 12,2016
05 12,2016
Did you ever think about killing your mom for her own sake & happiness?
05 12,2016
I'm 26 years and believe it or not, I'm still a virgin.
I'm not proud nor depressed by this fact.
I had my reasons why I stayed untouched for this long but maybe I should change myself and be adventurous this time around.
So I'm curious what are the majority age when people lose it.
30 11,2016
I'm 18 years old and I am a fujoshi ^^
27 11,2016
Just curious. What is the sexiest Yaoi you have read? Why? Was it the art, story, the characters, or something else??
26 11,2016
26 11,2016
I just want to tell everything that i been hold up and you guys can share too
25 11,2016
First question I am going to ask is are you seme or a uke?
And if you had to pick 3 Fantasies which one and why? keep having dreams about this one beautiful/handsome man and every time you meet it gets hot and heavy who is this mystery man?

2.This man is always here for you when tragedy comes he comforted you and stayed patient but you partner has a sadistic see to him so he loves to give you desirable pain

3.your a male hooker because u broke AF and you meet a rich man ( that u save his life once but can't remember) who brought you so now your his until you pay what u owe but he treats u right even though he is a tad possessive and real kinky toy happy

Which do u choose
24 11,2016
Sei 24 11,2016
Imagine that you are a girl and you have a boyfriend. Your boyfriend has a very close friend and his friend is male. You're a Fujoshi, secretly you little bit happy when they're together.
Q: If you can choose, your boyfriend is the seme or uke? And gimme the reason~
I prefer my boyfriend is the seme btw, b/c I more prefer with the "cool" than the "cute". And that(imagine)'s just in your mind, didn't mean you must tell that to your boyfriend(in that situation) and ask your boyfriend to make a relationship with his friend.....just..sorry I'm bad at English TvT
24 11,2016
For Fujodanshi, why you can be a "Fujodanshi"? Are you accidentally know yaoi? Or your friend acquaint that to you? What your first impressions when you looked that? And what the "special" that make you loved yaoi?
24 11,2016
Are you prefer to be seme or uke? And why?
24 11,2016

People are doing

did feel empty

weirdo creep alertttttt

1 hours
did block a user in mangago

youre so obsessed with spouting randim numbers

1 hours
did write a book

give it up dan we know you like his cock

1 hours

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing