Afuckingdissapointment's question (14)

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This site is becoming like twitter
04 09,2020
fuck it's An illegal manga website no fucking cares about damm cancel culture, hate clubs or the outside world that's why we're all here, there really no point of starting drama with random people you've never met So lets just read manga in peace

heres some videos to distract from all this:
24 09,2020
In all honesty, as much as we make fun of the trolls were clowns ourselves taking the bait. I Think we all know the stuff they say is stupid, like
"AcTuAlLy GuYs, PoOp iS a GoOd AltErNaTiVE tO bReAsTmIlK." But actually calling them stupid is much more fun, and looking at other peoples replys. The point I'm trying to make is honestly if we didn't have them mangago would be as bad as twitter, Always finding a new way to get mad at someone. Sadly, they are part of mangago and are really what keeps things interesting.
THAT DON'T MEAN I SUPPORT THE SHIT THEY SAY THEY STILL DUMBASSES, but don't tell me its not fun to look at everyones reaction to a weird question. The people on this site are funny.
Hope I didn't piss anyone off, although this is the internet so...
11 08,2020
I just wanted to make this question to say thank you to the translators Cause you are really the ones keeping this site going even tho you guys have lives of your own Tysm
28 09,2020
Who is Bella Poarch? and all these noahs? why are 17 year old boys pretending to choke people shirtless? why do so many people on tik tok have daddy issues? what are some good communites on tik tok?
Can someone give a crash course cause I really don't want to get tik tok, seems like a place to get confidence issues.
15 02,2021
why can't I enjoy titties without losing my future and dystroying my relationships with my parents?

anyways wholesome grandpa Joji cover:
22 09,2020

now that I got your attention I just wanted to thank you guys fr Existing you really make me feel like belong so I gift you wholesome granpa doing joji cover
Have a nice day
08 09,2020
So usally when my parents (more my dad) talks shit about lgbtq+ people I usually just sweat it off.
BUT TODAY, my parents learned about the whole pedos trying to be apart of the lgbtq+ and my mom had a reasonable response "Those things are not the same, and they should fuck off" BUT MY FRIGGIN DAD WAS LIKE " Well they're practically the same" And i said "no they are not" Btw that the first time i ever talked back to them in a year. "I said pedophilla is illegal and morally wrong" and my dad responded with "same with gays" SAME WITH GAYS My brain just stop functioning. I wanted to leave that situation cause i was so pissed but, It would be "disrespectful" so i sat and endured it.
My dad kept on ranting about gays the usual homophobic shit i think you know it, and saying pedos and lgbtq+ people are the same . And i was just sitting there choking up my tears, I could not talk back cause i know I will get fuckin yelled at It was so frustrating. And here was thinking i could come out to them. Like I said i usually just shake it off, but this time it just hurt so much and I dont know why, I really cant take it anymore.
I was so angry and I wanted to just let it out somewhere sorry

My dads the type of person to say "I'm not homophobic but-"
02 09,2020
cause some people on this site wont shut the fuck up (=・ω・=)
12 10,2020
what happend, seriously. This is not twitter, why do we haft to have drama every five seconds. Can't we just enjoy manga in peace. I'm not saying that we shouldn't ask questions and talk to each other but it's become such a toxic cesspool. like cmon, it's tiring at this point and I'm sure I am not the only one. And I know this rant wont do much but I really need to let it all out.
03 11,2020
You know who I'm looking at, If you gotta sell out websites online to get clout on tik tok well....pretty sad if you ask me All i wanted to say

Also fuck you
22 08,2020
You know who I'm looking at, If you gotta sell out websites online to get clout on tik tok well....pretty sad if you ask me All i wanted to say

Also fuck you
22 08,2020
and he's so, just I don't know. I stated talking to him because I thought his wallpaper was kurt cobain and started raving about nirvana like a dumbass, and ended up hitting it off anyways.
I can never tell if he's joking or not, he's so confusing. Like he is always talking about how he want this guy to fuck him, would totally marry a guy, is definately going to a gay bar one day. but then says hes straight.(Keep in mind this dude is also the class clown) I'm not gonna question, it's not my decision to decide what his sexuality is. But at this point I feel like he's sending signals, he knows I'm lesbian and ask me a lot of questions, about the lgbtq+ community and all the lingo. And always hits on this one dude, actually they flirt with each other alot, I mean full on groping each other, sitting on each others laps, professing their love, kissed each other, They actually got married two days ago (I was their best woman) I wont go into the rest but like fuck. No one can tell if there just joking or actually dating each other.

And he's asks a lot of serious questions about lgbtq+, He even told me that he would love to date the guy he's doing all this with, but is pretty sure hes homophobic.
We joke around a lot, And people have said that anything that comes out of our mouths sounds sarcastic, even I cant tell. I don't want to acidentally out him, or go to bold assumptions. so like how should I deal with this? Im I reading in to much or should I just leave it? my brain is exploding.
05 02,2021
I want to come out, but im really scared. I come from a very christian nigerian household. even if my parents accept (which is unlikely) they are not the only one in the family.
I am already on thin ice with my family ever since I got dignosed with anxiety and depression I don't want to be even more of a dissapointment. Even with that aside what about my friends some of them are homophobic and I know that's bad but i don't want to loose them as friends. I known since like second grade I'm just really afraid. Like do I just go up to them and be like "Hey dad we got one thing in common" i wanted to wait till i get out of the house
but the gay within
It's too powerful.
Also I joke around alot so I don't even know If they will take me seriously. like i said "hey mom I like boobie's" I wouldn't take myself seriously either.
I don't what to do, and each year feels like I'm powering up and becoming more and more gay.
07 08,2020