Kookie's answer page 1 (175)

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this is one of the reasons I wanna remove human species (╯°Д °)╯╧╧   reply
21 04,2021
about question
ah it's a 'I'm not like other girls ' , bruh many people don't like wearing makeup or dresses nothing new , troll something new these are boring   1 reply
23 05,2021
it's lying bestie LYING, not lieing   3 reply
23 04,2021
transracial is not a thing, outside of being adopted by another race cuz that's a different thing, you can't change your race   3 reply
08 07,2021
I am depressed, having anxiety issues,a isolating myself from friends but guess what they don't even care and having other issues , but it's just a normal day for me so it's going good ig (⌒▽⌒) , just numb to emotions and tired of everything, heck I am even tempted kms but can't do it   4 reply
22 04,2021
majority of characters in haikyuu(except kageyama tobio, yachi and the so called forgotten trio) God the way they made them so annoying and the babying of hinata and that hinata harem ewwww, disgusting   1 reply
03 01,2024
guys don't bother with this pos, it's a troll and its trying to get our reaction by saying bs , p.s: I hope this is infact a troll   1 reply
19 08,2023
sindsb , it's you again isn't it #-.-) and can't really say I'm surprised just disgusted   reply
23 04,2021
23 04,2021
idc who they are but , it's hilarious* and shotacon*   reply
23 04,2021
17 09,2023
I think yall sometimes forget this ain't no dating site   1 reply
17 09,2023
this one lol , also for anyone wondering I didn't read that shit , the cover was enough to tell me what was gonna happen   1 reply
17 10,2023
24 06,2021
assassin baby,   2 reply
24 06,2021
Salt in the sea, or ocean salinity, is mainly caused by rain washing mineral ions from the land into water. Carbon dioxide in the air dissolves into rainwater, making it slightly acidic. When rain falls, it weathers rocks, releasing mineral salts that separate into ions   2 reply
03 07,2021
about question
just talk to him first and try to solve the problem with him but get away from Zoe, one thing I can say for sure is she ain't a real friend of yours and if you want to break up with your bf you should because nobody can make you feel bad no one I repeat   2 reply
09 04,2021
the don't say anything, simple isn't it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ and bold of you to assume anyone will waste their time creating a hate club for you #-.-)   reply
23 04,2021
hey hope you're doing well(⌒▽⌒). .....................................................................................   reply
25 05,2021
about question
fuck I knew yall were blind but to this extent anyways I find Lee minho not so attractive   5 reply
11 01,2024
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yk that doramon av one and there's some creepy haikyuu dj with pedophilic and ogre shit , those were traumatizing to me , my curiosity killed me ,   2 reply
03 05,2021
about question
I'll gladly help   reply
09 05,2021
about lmao
25 06,2021
25 06,2021