SHOP PE PE PE's question (6)

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hello mortals and immortals if you see this and its after 12am PLEASE GO TO SLEEEEEEP YES SLEEP ACTALLY EXIST remember to take care of yourself
05 09,2020
okay ive been reading wayyyyy to much smut ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ does anyone have yaoi recommendations that are like cute and have lots of fluff?
05 09,2020
something that always used to confuse me was why in Christmas movies none of the parents question where the gifts come from like tf? r u fr like it always show that theres no gifts then boom on christmas days the tree is overflowing with gifts like do the parents just like accept it oe smt?
04 09,2020
so like i want to start reading yuri but i dont know where to start so can i have some yuri recommedation? some fluff pls
05 09,2020
friends? they exist in irl?
05 09,2020
So im starting school again in a few hours... so i have to pretend like i dont read smut or get lots of 'adult jokes'
07 09,2020