lokitty's answer (8)

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I agree with you. And I also hate when characters misunderstood each other especially just because of miscommunication. I hate cheating too!   reply
04 07,2018
AGE: 23 GENDER/SEX: F SEXUALITY:.Pansexual COUNTRY:.Philippines FIRST YAOI:.Oh my. I've been into yaoi for so long (maybe 10yrs+) I actually don't remember. I think i started with yaoi when I saw one on a pornsite(?). FAV YAOI GENRE: Omegaverse is life! Tho, I almost like everything. I'm open minded so I'm pretty much ok with everything. Lol......   reply
04 07,2018
A Fujoshi from the Philippines! YEY!! ヽ(´▽`)/   reply
04 07,2018
I also have been thinking about this since I turned 20 (I'm 23 now). But, I just can't see myself having my own family. I like kids. I think I'm ok will pregnancy, but I'm freaking scared of giving birth. I have a very low pain tolerance, I honestly think giving birth will kill me.   reply
04 07,2018
I'm a S when it comes to cute/pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/feminine guys. I just have this urge to ravish them. I'm a pansexual girl btw.   reply
04 07,2018
I have a love/hate relationship with my body. Lol I love my hands, coz it looks pretty when I have long nails. But with short nails, my hands become too small. I love my curves, but they make me look fat. I love my super long hair, but ithey actually looks too plain. I love my big boobs, coz they look good. But other than that, meh. I love my eyes......   reply
04 07,2018
I'm actually starting to think that it's normal for girls to read yaoi. Like how it's normal for boys to watch porn. And don't worry about turning gay just because of something you read. I've been reading Killing Stalking, but I haven't have the urge to kill someone...... yet. Lol   reply
04 07,2018
I'm a girl. The first time I got attracted to a girl is when I was in 6th grade. I just thought she's really pretty and very feminine like a lady. I always assist her when she needs help. Give her thing and snacks. And then when I was in 2nd year hs (8th grd) there's this really pretty lesbian in my school, and I had a huge crush on her (so huge e......   reply
04 07,2018