Bluu's answer (5)

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Bluu 22 04,2021
sir/madam/earl we need more then that like what does the seme look like ,The main plot? please we need more then that jesus...   reply
22 04,2021
Uhh to sum it up I look like that chubby middle schooler that everyone makes fun of, dark hair, really dark eyes and messy dark brown hair. I’m about 5’6 and tan so I’m one ugly mf (T_T)   reply
12 11,2020
Honestly no because I can't buy the shit ether way so I'll probably just read smut and try to live with just that or I can just die both good options if I say so myself   1 reply
23 01,2021
Done   reply
12 11,2020
Nothing much   reply
01 03,2021