femboy thighs's question (3)

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yall ever just feel like if you die there's no heaven nor hell nor a god (sorry if i offend some religious folks) and like when you die you just dissapear like POP gone never to exist again just gone, you'll never experience being alive ever again your spirit is just gone too like you just never existed.. yall feel that??
20 01,2021
not all omegaverse stories should have like yall know r*pe involved like ma n i know some authors want some actions and some fujodans too but like calm down please, like i can see some newbie readers fetishizing r*pe and r*pe culture and also some of these bottoms just let it past for some reason it makes me cringe so much.
07 01,2021
like sexy/pretty priveleges really exists in these stories huh.
06 01,2021