Ron's answer (13)

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19 07,2021
Ya'll probably can't forgive me for this one.. but i like her lol.. I'm not saying i like her actions... but smth at the end of the movie made me like her idk bro im confused asf too.. but i like her   1 reply
19 07,2021
27 11,2020
Am I the only one who blabbled a lot of shit in the options where u can write what u think or whatever   reply
27 11,2020
Now tell me How The Fuck do i UnSee   reply
21 07,2021
30 05,2021
30 05,2021
21 07,2021
wtf   reply
21 07,2021
I used to think that god will make a new human, and then he'll choose which women to assign the baby to, and then he would do some magic stuff to move the baby to the women and then the women would magically be pregnant. I'm sure my way of thinking was because of my dad always saying it's God's will, whenever i get a new sibling..   reply
18 07,2021
That scene when shorter had to go through all that had me bawlling my eyes out fr and i felt genuine pain. So i took a break and FUCKING DECIDED TO SEARCH UP THE CHARACTERS IN GOOGLE ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT ASH WILL DIE FUZHWUWGS.. and bro even tho i was spoiled abt that, even though i saw it coming, my eyes couldn't stop sweating when i witnessed th......   reply
19 07,2021
Lmao, my child's name would be rei, which's cool cuz its also gender nuetral.   reply
18 07,2021