about question sexuality
08 01,2021
Im a closet gay. Well, Bi to be exact, had a few girl crushes but I'm more attracted to men so I still consider myself gay. Still in high school but while listening to some music in bed, some random thoughts just came to my head. How will my life be when I become an adult and a gay person? Like I'm gay but I don't act like a woman. I don't want to be a trans woman either. I don't want to wear women clothing cause I very much prefer men's clothes. In short, I'm a man who just wants to love and to be loved by another man. But that's not the point, my point is that when I grow up, I want to be with the man that I love but I also want to have a child. And I can't consider adopting a solution because I want the child to be my own. I know it's too early to be thinking about this stuff when I'm still in high school but yeah, just some random thought.