Razi's answer (9)

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I mean, I read any pairing if something about the story or characters appeals to me. I find yaoi hot, but I've also found hetero and even some yuri to be really sexy too. I'm aware I'm not strictly straight though, so I may not be the person you wanted to ask.   reply
23 10,2023
My mother knows full well that I read yaoi, and doesn't care. She has no real interest in it, but I've mentioned specific stories and shown some (non-pornographic) pictures to her when talking about things I like and admire in them. Then again, We're both adults, so it's just not a big deal.   reply
13 08,2016
I tend to be drawn to series that have a darker tone. The ones I love most often revolve around characters that have their own demons or major issues but find some sort of comfort in each other. I like protective but not possessive characters, and I heavily favor consensual scenes.   1 reply
13 08,2016
The first thing I ever saw and realized was anime was Princess Mononoke, or Knight Hunters if we're going by series. The first anime I EVER saw though, is really embarrassing. I was really little, and came across the butchered version of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds, called "Warriors of the Wind". I remember loving it at the time because it ......   reply
06 04,2016
I'm a 26 year old heterosexual female from Colorado, in the United States. I make jewelry, I love horror movies, I have two cats and a small dog, and I waste countless hours on Youtube.   reply
20 01,2017
*Potential triggers: Suicide* Yes, sort of. It wasn't with yaoi though, or any pornographic content. I was watching Knight Hunters: Eternity Files, and the first episode pretty much opens with a suicide scene, and my father entered the room just in time to see a girl jump off the roof of a school and hit concrete head-first. Keep in mind that I w......   reply
20 01,2017
Several of my friends who I met through shred interest in anime know, as does my Mom. I'm in my 20's, so it's not like it has to stay a secret because of any legal angle. I don't talk about it around people I don't know well, simply because it might be off-putting to them. I've become more careful about what topics I bring up after finding out that......   reply
13 08,2016
If I'm on a page that shows anything raunchy I'll switch off of it. I keep other tabs open for that occasion. However it's not because I don't want people to know, it's just because some people aren't very comfortable with pornographic content. People know I read it, but I try to play interference for the sex scenes just to avoid the awkwardness.   1 reply
13 08,2016
Hello there! I'm a 26 year old, heterosexual female from Colorado, though I'm planning on trying to move out-of-state soon. Genre-wise I love Yaoi, Seinen, Horror, Action-adventure, Fantasy, Sci-fi and some things that sort of defy categorization. I make jewelry as a hobby. I'm just getting started with doll modification, and I've done a bit of a ......   reply
25 04,2017