Wonderlust's answer (7)

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22 Year old guy here to get his daily dose of dick on dick action, sup.   reply
05 04,2019
Raped but ends up loving Rapist Super fuccboi top and super virgin bottom; expanding on this - Bottom blushes are everything the top does - Bottom Is a complete pushover - top tries to play off a nonchalant attitude only to come off as a douche Ex is introduced only to bring in drama and doesn't really have any purpose other than to stir shit up. S......   reply
27 03,2019
I'm a guy. Mostly prefer shounen ai, yaoi is nice too tho.   reply
04 03,2019
Eartha Kitt Fan#7009   reply
06 04,2019
I'm a guy but I also wanna answer 1) It's really hard to be a woman too, try being a GAY woman. Sometimes wish I could've been born a woman, it's just a lucid thought, I don't think we have to take it that seriously. 2) Because they are, and I say this as a femme too. acting femme is a stereotype and it's not looked down on just from fujoshi, but......   3 reply
07 03,2019
I'm someone who loves a good plot so it fluxuates. But typically manga, I think the main allure of webtoons is their longevity and diverse art styles; they go on much longer than your typical BL manga and the art can be gorgeous. That's probably why I've noticed webtoons taking over the BL game here, because people can invest more when there's so m......   reply
31 03,2019