San's question (15)

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Like, a very unbelievable and impossible experience(which is the lie) you've told to anyone and they believed it until now
06 08,2023
about question
you want to fuck someone or you want to fucked? especially when you're a girl, it only means you want to get pregnant?
because that's what my parents told me and people around me told me it's a sin and will surely put you in hell?

i solely believe all people have different opinions but the people around me tells me otherwise, that's why i want your opinion
21 07,2021
idk if it's only in my country or what but, have you ever experienced the tradition like?? in the very first you found you got your period, you tell our mom, and she will tell you to do something. First, you to jump a 3-4 stage stairs 3 or 4 times( i forgot), then you grab your panty that has your first blood period and wet it , then rub it to your face 3x( like literally, all over your fucking face!! ew!!) the reason you rub it to your face is for you not to grow pimples.

i experienced it and it was fucking gross;.; ヽ(`Д´)ノ
01 07,2021
Like, you literally could have a very loud speaker beside their ears and they still won't wake up. One time, me and my other friends thought something was wrong with her like, she's sleeping like she's dead, im saying dead cos sometimes in her sleep she kinda holds her breath, like, for a few minutes, even when she's not sleeping and conscious she forgets to breath( many times she collapsed cos of that) idk how she forgets to breath but that's ALSO VERY WORRYING. Back to the topic, She's A VERY DEEP DEEP DEEP sleeper, even if we shake her up (LIKE A STRONG SHAKE) she won't budge, she's not even snoring , and then a few hours later she wakes up, idk if she sleeps at home at all cos all she does in school is sleep, im just hoping she's okay at home and nothing is going on, she hardly opens up cos most of the time she's sleeping
19 08,2023
i don't really know what fetishizing mean so i searched it on google but i was too dumb and stupid to understand, so i'll ask here.

does fetishizing mean like you jerk off to something? or whenever you think about it you get horny? or when you see it you jerk off in private? like you are reading something smexy and you got horny? then jerk it off? i also seen this question everywhere so i'll ask, the question was like "is ok to fetishize a porn manga?"

i'm just asking cause i'm curious, so pls tell me if you know!!!
28 06,2021
about question
I have a genuine question,

Do you think criminals who sexually torture(also other types of gruesome sexual torture) other people don't deserve rape ? For instance, 44 days of hell, the men that did sexual gruesome torture to a girl just because she said no, do you think they still don't deserve to be raped? Or sexually and gruesomely tortured? I asked my friends and acquaintances about this, some say they do, some say they deserve more, but mostly they say no, they don't really explain why they do and why they don't deserve the same treatment they unleashed to their victims. But when I asked if someone killed a person, do they deserve to be killed? Most of them said yes. I understand why they think it's okay to kill a criminal who killed other people since the loved ones of those victims can't be brought back. Is it not the same when some is sexually tortured or raped? Is because they're alive that's why they don't "deserve" it? Why? Victims of those sexual activities could possibly not be not be the same because of the trauma , they might be alive but, mentally, they aren't. I'm talking about not just accidental sexual harassment, I'm talking about sexual tortures and rape that were done on purpose for the criminal's "enjoyment".
I just can't understand the concept why they don't deserve the same torture they've shown to the victims, when they are just demons in disguised in humam masks. Do they believe those criminals that, they'll change because of just a little bit of jail time? Because I don't think so.

But just to be clear. I'm not emphasizing that accidental sexual harassment is excused.
17 01,2024
San 04 05,2021
Do you have a different reason to like kittens? I have one, I like them because they are cute especially their belly and because they're so cute I want to squeeze them until they explode and I think that is so cute and a bit refreshing, but unfortunately I can't do that or I'll get arrested for animal abuse and cruel to them.
04 05,2021
about question
San 11 01,2024
Is it just me or whenever mcs blush EVERY panel, I'm the one who gets tired for them because all of the blushing?? I literally physically feel tireness in my cheek bones
11 01,2024
about question
Like, that touched you real good that it kinda affected how u viewed life? Kinda something like that.
10 08,2024
Don't ya guys think sex scenes romance whether bl, gl, or straight, is good? But which sex scene better though, that fits in romance, Like a sex scene smtimes it kinda looks like porn all the time? Or sex scenes that looks super romantic, like it doesn't appear 3/4 of the story, just a bit subtle, and when it's shown, it looks beautiful? Like it really looks like they love each other, they embrace each other with love? Like, it kinda wanna makes u think u want a relationship like that..

For me, it's the latter, how abt you?

Please don't hate me for asking I'm just bored
28 06,2024
mine is, my parents often see each other at one mall but they don't know each other yet, but one day they ran into each other bumped their heads and apologized to each other, in the next day they ask out each other then after that they started dating , after a year and a half they got married and the had us.

i already ask my parents if it is okay to share with people and they what's your parent's love story
said yeah
30 06,2021
about question
San 28 06,2021
is it still rape when a person ask for consent rape and the partner said yes? i know it's a dumb question but i sometimes confuse myself because of some people
28 06,2021
How do you usually masturbate? Like, I masturbate rubbing my puchie in the surface(is that still included? ) , is it normal masturbating ling that? Or not??and when did you know how to masturbate?? Like, I already did this when I was chuld like, about 2-3 years old and my mom always scold me for this, I don't know how learned this when i was kid but Is this normal??
06 05,2021
about question
for you, which is more scary? being THE SAME as everyone or being DIFFERENT to everyone?

just curios of your opinion
23 07,2021