gumdrop's answer page 1 (24)

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05 11,2020
kay so i googled this to see if you could just straight up live off of cum and apparently you could survive for an entire month off of semen before you get scurvy so like the fact that this has some backing behind it makes me feel deeply discomforted   2 reply
05 11,2020
Kenshi Yonezu, love his music, I got invested because of how amazing everything about his MV Flamingo was, both the song itself and his interesting dancing technique. Surprisingly though he also did one of the mha openings which I did not know however it is a cute tid bit of info ig All in all though the man is absolutely lovely he is my kingggg   3 reply
02 02,2021
10 01,2021
you've been talking to the mirror a little too much babe   1 reply
10 01,2021
I have autism, I’m mentally ill, but because I’m very good at masking, my mother is convinced that she’s ‘cured’ me of autism. She likes to think of my depression and severe anxiety as “Being shy and too afraid of leaving my comfort zone” She doesn’t listen to me when I tell her that I need to be some where quiet, that being in c......   1 reply
01 01,2021
about lmao
school is school, I choose to cry   reply
05 01,2021
I´ve learned how to use photoshop for things other than cleaning and can no longer rest   1 reply
23 01,2021
me @ the 8 assignments on my to-do list   reply
13 01,2021
greece on the ruins of missolonghi I wouldn´t mind getting it on with a country tbh   reply
31 01,2021
my hairs actually to my shoulders but this was the only one with the closest length and correct texture   1 reply
13 01,2021
probably a bottom, I’ve topped before but I’m a service top, so no matter in which position im never really being dominating or whatever plus I like bottoming better honestly. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
21 08,2020
19 01,2021
Aquarius has the word aqua in it and aquatic things are really pretty   reply
19 01,2021
06 11,2020
ask'em what they're gonna do about it if I am, gonna try killing me you little shit? I'll grind their head into the nearest wall if they even fucking try it   reply
06 11,2020
pretty   reply
10 01,2021
1. fly~ 2. Travel through space I don´t want to know about what could´ve been 3. Die of the cold, my body is gonna be a sexy icicle 4. Be a billionaire and be hated, just because none likes me doesn't mean I can´t be good 5. that´s......really tough, I love music and reading but I guess lose my hearing 6.......   reply
20 01,2021
1. yes 2. love is a strong word but I do enjoy it yes 3.anything so long as the personality is attractive, though I wouldn't date someone seriously if they were much much older than me 4.either is fine 5.If it's got good art I'll feel entranced but not much else 6. if that was the case then id just search for some pornography 7. I go by they......   2 reply
16 01,2021
gumdrops are sticky little bitches and so am i   reply
21 02,2021
I'm a leo and my pet peeve is loud chewing or like those little repetitive sounds people make   1 reply
18 01,2021
1. seme, I could go either way so it's fine like this ig 2. Sasuke I suppose it wouldn't be too bad, I feel like he'd be open to pegging if I bought him a PS5 or smthg. He's a little obsessed with naruto so I guess they'd be a two for one package? Two for the price of one 3. "b-but we're both guys" irrelevant in my eyes but I guess it's fine 4. ......   reply
10 01,2021
23 12,2020
I'm pansexual and I'm good with any pronouns but prefer they/them   reply
23 12,2020