me_likey_yaoi's answer (2)

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Yes I read a lot of yaoi manga...... I mean like A LOT!!! Can't live without it anymore I need to read yaoi everyday even if there are going to be tests. My first yaoi manga was okane ga nai because I felt that the anime was quite lacking so I was thinking there is also a manga version of it so I really searched for it. At first I was shocked and ......   reply
08 04,2016
I am actually a fujoshi and I have met a fudanshi through an anime convention in a booth where they actually sell BL games and comics. I am also wondering if fudanshi's are usually straight or not because the fudanshi I met through the convention was gay (not that I minded (≧∀≦) ) told me there are actually more fudanshi than fujoshi and most......   3 reply
23 10,2016