leizzz's experience (7)

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i think it was at a pool party back in grade 8. I was one of the first ppl to want to shower and change back into my clothes and i did that and when i came outta the guest bedrooms toilet, the fuckboi of the party was in the room. At that time, i tot he wanted to use the bathroom and i moved away from the toilet to let him through but he kabedonned......   reply
08 06,2020
leizzz 25 08,2020
i keep telling myself i need to talk to ppl more often and approach them first and quit waiting for them to do that for me instead but honestly im actually pretty scared of meeting new ppl and then finding out theyre toxic or if theyre manipulative. i just dont like the idea of breaking away from friendships. im also pretty shy and awkward in perso......   reply
25 08,2020
leizzz 08 06,2020
do some of yall actually watch yaoi with ur parents??! damnnn that sounds crazy af, its almost like watching porn with ur parents HAHAHAH NOOOO,, if its fluffy yaoi then i guess thats cool but for me, no way in a million yearss will my parents watch yaoi or even know i read em cuz theyre the kinda parents that think id go lesbian somehow and cuz lg......   2 reply
08 06,2020
sometimes i think im too harsh on myself then i say something or i do something to make myself think otherwise lmaooo chile   reply
25 08,2020
oop its a long story, not very climatic tho Ive never confessed to any of my crushes before but i decided i needed to confess to this guy i liked on and off for 5 years cuz i just couldnt keep it in anymore. I confessed to him thinking that i didnt expect my feelings to be reciprocated bcs hes pretty popular with the girls back in highsch but we a......   1 reply
08 06,2020
i used to dream alot about being in a car thats driving itself and i couldnt stop it, sometimes my sibling will also be in the car with me. I rmbr dreaming about the car driving off a cliff into the sea or dam several times for the longest time and still happening, ive occasionally dreamt about being chased by an unknown entity or just someone i d......   reply
08 06,2020
it gets pretty lonely at times.. actually alot but then i think about the effort u need to put into the relationship, the emotional roller coasters AND the heartbreak after, nah m8 im good BUT if i ever catch unwanted feelings, lemme close my eyes chile   reply
25 08,2020