WoahMama's answer page 1 (138)

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about question
I honestly don't mind Omegaverse, I have trash taste though. Most of the ones I actually enjoy include children though. Lately, I've been baby crazy even though I'm avoiding having my own like the plague.   reply
15 04,2024
about question
I like trash stories so I never look at ratings   1 reply
14 04,2024
about question
No I just think that stupid people are blasted more often now than before.   reply
04 04,2024
about question
idk I always assume almost everyone on here are teenagers. That's when I started reading on sites like this. Knowing about sex at 14 is not an unheard-of thing most teenagers know about sex. That doesn't mean that they are sluts. Even if they are so what? What does that have to do with you making them uncomfortable? They are allowed to feel uncomfo......   1 reply
05 02,2024
about question
People who constantly brag about having a lot of sex or any sex at all. Then shames others for not having sex. Honestly, sex isn't a big deal in my opinion almost everyone has it and if they don't it's not anyone else's business.   reply
7 days
You sound young don't do this. This is how you end up in some pervert's basement with no one knowing where you are. Please be safe out there and don't meet randos on the internet. Especially on this site. You never know who you're going to meet.   reply
10 05,2024
My 6th-grade math teacher showed a part of my cousin's murder trial to the whole class. Knowing that this was my cousin. She was on TV for something and scenes from trial was after it. Students in the class asked her to watch it and she did not hesitate to push play and didn't even ask me if it was okay. Even if I did it was inappropriate for her t......   reply
21 05,2024
I think a lot more people are Virgins than you think. The first time I had sex was when I was 24. Honestly being a virgin and waiting for it to happen with someone you love isn't out of this world. Do whatever you feel comfortable with and don't feel pressured just because of weirdos who hype sex up. FYI sex is overrated in my opinion waiting for s......   reply
23 02,2024
about question
I'm full of facts lol Koalas can carry Chlamydia and can in fact give it to humans. Victorians used to eat human mummified remains for medicinal uses. The 1920 film Skyway Man was the first movie to feature actual deaths. It is now a lost film. Bogs can mummify remains, and typically when those remains are found the hair is red. This is beca......   1 reply
21 11,2023
about question
WoahMama 17 11,2023
I find a lot of the sex talk to be cringy and weird. Some are okay but don't describe what's happening and enjoy it. Especially the whole "No Stop" but they actually wanna continue with sex. Thats fucking weird. I've never done that to make my partner continue what he's doing. Weird exaggerated faces. Weird exaggerated penises. It doesn't turn m......   reply
17 11,2023
about question
During Covid, I worked at a general store for almost 2 years. It was the worst time of my life. People were constantly stealing, and being violent towards us, and in the city I live there were very little law enforcement so they never came to our store when we called. I even got hit in the face and the cop treated me like crap. It was so stressful......   1 reply
26 11,2023
about question
Idk probably not a breeding kink if you don't specifically get off on the idea of someone impregnating you and or the other person. Like if you're just thinking kids would be nice to have it's not an out-of-this-world thought. I think most people have these thoughts I have the same ones until I hang out with my friend and her child and watch a 2-......   reply
28 05,2024
Faux incest like I noticed a lot of isekais have siblings who grew up as siblings or parent/child to become romantic. Like no, please don't marry your brother or dad. Like it's different if they had no to little interaction and were step-siblings or were step-siblings at an older age or something. No excuse for someone to raise a child into their b......   2 reply
19 03,2024
More recently I've (29) been thinking about this and comparing how I hope my niece never experiences them. Like I thought this stuff was normal at the time. Just note that I grew up in a town of around 100 people. I just assumed adults knew what was happening because it was a small community not realizing adults aren't gods and don't know everythin......   3 reply
23 10,2023
about cooking
WoahMama 25 11,2023
They're old drawings made me realize i never finished any of my recent couple poses I've drawn.   reply
25 11,2023
about question
I've been using weaponized incompetence since I was a kid, but not anything major or important. My parents used to ask me and my lil brother to do things cause they were lazy. For example, my mom would call me to go downstairs just to get her something to drink so I would either put very little or too much in a cup. I don't really do this anymore u......   3 reply
7 days
about piercings
Bianca Crys Sasha and Lewis Jude and Charlie Vita and Phephe   reply
02 07,2021
I'm good at catching things ldk how to describe it. It's useful in softball and if out of nowhere someone throws something at my face. Other than that it's useless. I can also vibrate my eyes. I can also do the grudge death rattle.   reply
22 03,2024
about question
I actually had this discussion with my brother the other day. This sounds bad, but it's because of my cousin that I think I would become a bad Mom. When I was a kid my cousin dated a man who beat her son to death (toddler). No one in my family seemed to blame her, so as a kid, it became ingrained that I couldn't trust anyone. I fully blame her as a......   reply
09 05,2024
Omg the "you're so wet" is so annoying. Sometimes you can tell what authors/artists never had done anal. Also, lack of lube or weird lube. For example, Honey like that's sticky not lubricant. It makes me cringe in pain reading it sometimes.   reply
20 12,2023