sapphire-chan's answer (6)
I read a variety of stories, and I definitely feel like my interests have gotten steadily more messed up because of what I've read lol I'm tolerant of more things than ever before.
I will say, though, that I'm not a big fan of stories with whopping amounts of sex. Don't get me wrong - a sexy bedroom scene now and then is very much welcome, but I d......
21 06,2016
I am full aboard the souyo ship! I just finished Persona 4 the Animation, and I am quite pleased with how many souyo moments they added in there. It was basically a goldmine for me lol
09 05,2016
Well, a lot lol But most recently, any of maretu's songs. All of his stuff covers pretty dark material, and the English in some of them caught me off guard when I first time listened to them. Now, though, he's one of my favorite producers! I'm obsessed with "Mind Brand".
05 06,2016
Basically everyone who voices the brothers in Osomatsu-san. That's some quality voice-acting screaming right there- especially in the episode "Its A Birthday Party Dajo" lol I do have a soft spot for Ono Daisuke, as he voices the most precious matsu.
2 reply
23 10,2016
This is shonen-ai, but I'm almost done reading Golden Days, and I think it would make a great anime.
21 06,2016
Junko, Yamamoto Kotetsuko, and Moudama Chokusen are my favorites! I'm in love with their art styles and stories :)
10 04,2016