[email protected]'s answer (2)

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As a bisexual girl ive been asked stuff like this myself, and i always say the same thing. sexuality is fluid. not to mention theres so many different types. a suprising amount of people have the mindset of there are only two sexualities, gay and straight. but then again labels will always be just that, labels :) so yes, its "gay" to be attracted t......   reply
10 07,2020
wow so many ppl anwsered this lmao but what else would you expect from people on this site :) i actually got very exicted when i read this because im the exact same. i love dominating feminine men and small/cutsie boy type. but i got to admit when a guy is like superrrr m even if hes more on the manly side ill probably like it. im def an m too but......   1 reply
10 07,2020