Idk's answer (5)

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I’m sooo gay for her   reply
24 02,2021
lmaoヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~   1 reply
01 09,2020
I hate the answers to this question and why do some of yall like to read boy x boy stories just bc of the s3x scenes there’s like way more to some of the story then the s3x scenes I would rather read a boy x boy story with a plot and no seggc scenes than a story without a plot and alot of seggc scenes.Imma take BJ alex as an example I’ve seen s......   1 reply
13 03,2021
look it's not just my aesthetic its my religion too   2 reply
22 09,2020
WTF!?!?!? some of y'all are real comfortable on this site   reply
11 09,2020