tawin's question (5)

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28 11,2020
hey! since you're here already, drop one or two red haired characters you love!
28 11,2020
about drawing
You know when you're in a group project and nobody decides to do any work, it there a way to force them to?, because when you let them get away with it, they tend to think that it's always ok to, and then you always end up doing everything. I really don't want to always be forced to do the work, so is there any tips to get them to contribute? Thanks! :)
15 09,2020
about question
Hey so my cat just got restricted and they just came back, if anyone finds them, their username was @I:13 pls reply if you know

REWARD: flowers
I’ll flood your homepage with them

and if you don’t know, then I guess you can just chill here, post your new obsession, vent, or put some random pics

have a nice rest of your day everyone!
30 11,2020
which blondes do you have a attachment with?
16 11,2020
as said above, I'm curious, so drop one or some characters you wish you had as siblings
the max is 5, have fun! :)
06 11,2020