boris's answer (19)

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about question
31 05,2021
Hey, baby, wanna hear a secret? I got a gun. There's no punch line. Get in the car.   reply
31 05,2021
13 05,2021
deviating from the q rn but i read the other answers, and is having a maid really that unusual? oh, and, you can't make your sister stop watching porn bc she just will find a way anyway, so I'd advise you to just tell her that porn is highly unrealistic and can rlly fuck up one's perception of sex, narrowing it down into uncomfortable boxes. if yo......   2 reply
13 05,2021
what are your secrets   reply
16 12,2020
yall need to go outside and get some fresh air omfg what is this   reply
10 02,2021
bless you, mushroom, for brining some positivity and wholesomeness to this wretched website. all the love 2 u, and anyone who's reading this   reply
27 02,2021
23 02,2021
hi! ok right off the bat, it's ok to be confused about your orientation. i'm telling you to reassure you that there is no need to rush anything. you don't have to put your sexuality in a box bc labels suck!!!! now that that's out of the way, i realized i wasn't straight sometime around 7th grade? but i'd never had romantic feelings for a girl at t......   1 reply
23 02,2021
NOT educated on the topic, but i do know that pedophilia is a sort of mental sickness. why would someone WANT to be a pedophile, you know? i sympathize with people who suffer from that disease, but the second they act on it? they second they touch a child - it's over for me. fckn chop them up into pieces, make a smoothie and toss that shit into out......   1 reply
16 05,2021
about worst sin this one's my friend's!!! and i rlly like it because it's full of happy lovey dovey songs like lovefool and dreams and the beatles   1 reply
16 05,2021
09 02,2021
my 'views' on paedophilia are v similar to that of black mirror's creators - which is, pedophiles should be banished to the ends of the earth. they're heinous.   1 reply
09 02,2021
girl...i am so conflicted rn...   reply
10 02,2021
about question
I wouldn't, but there's probably tons of prepubescent girls on wattpad who totally would. Good luck!   reply
13 05,2021
killing stalking. 13 y/o me was traumatized forever.   reply
27 02,2021
about question
2. really very bad. broke the mf scales. 3. messed around w a supposedly-str8 girl for a year. she wouldn't admit she had romantic feelings for me but it was SO OBVIOUSSSS bc she was so possessive of me and got jealous so easily omfg jfrh we did all sorts of couple-y things and everyone else thought we were a thing!#!@!@!@! anyhow, i broke it ......   1 reply
15 02,2021
overtly dominant personalities in a relationship. it's just straight up toxic.   reply
27 02,2021
ig practice the do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do thing, drink warm liquids and most importantly, just keep singing lol. you will for sure get better as time goes on if you keep practicing. all the best   reply
27 02,2021
i use incognito to read the ones on medium? where you can't read more than 2 articles unless you pay for :'')   reply
23 02,2021
king/subject, boss/employee, rich person/house help - typa scene. i like the power imbalance, and the uncertainties that come with it. then eventually they realize they like the other person, and start doing things to impress them - but it's confusing and - yeah, lol. kingmaker, obedient heritage, on or off, etc.   reply
20 05,2021
about being gay
i've never made a big deal out of it, yk? not that im saying coming out isn't a very gruelling experience for some or invalidating anyone's experiences - but for me, i mostly let people figure it out? i think the only people i've ever ACTUALLY come out to is my sister and my ex girlfriend before we started dating and a couple of friends i met on a ......   reply
10 02,2021
uhh i was in seventh when i got into the shadowhunter chronicles by cassie clare, and there's this gay couple in it whose ship name is 'malec'. anyway, i found out there was a series for the books so i got into thAt and that was the first time i saw any sort of lgbt rep in media with like real people and not just characters from books, and i was so......   reply
16 01,2021