rose's answer (9)

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What your currently experiencing in called dopamine addiction. Its a very common illness now a days with the internet being a constant and easily available distraction. To break it, I'm afraid you're going to have to do a full cleanse with no screen time at all for a week or two (it's very liberating, do try it) or have some rather strict self cont......   1 reply
13 01,2021
She, her, m'lady during medieval events, Dr. during Steampunk events. Not even joking.   1 reply
28 02,2021
I grew up thinking puberty passed me by. While everyone else in my group of friends was oohing and ahhing over "Bishies" and boy bands and making terrible self insert fan fics and fan art, I was still pretending to be a dragon and studying how to draw clouds. Physically my body changed, but I never got "boy crazy". (or girl crazy for that matter) ......   reply
05 01,2021
Classical mostly, especially TSO style; classical music played with modern electric instruments. But I also listen to oldies, classic rock, nerdcore/steampunk frequently. Occassionally jazz, both contemporary and big band when I'm in the mood. Sometimes trance/chill. I like angry punk/emo when I'm crafting. Showtunes I can sing along to when I'm s......   reply
22 02,2021
Preach! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ There is some cultural differences that can explain the prevalence of rape/dubcon in Japanese literature, but it really should not acceptable in this day in age, not even Japan. (Women were supposed to reject sex even if they wanted it in a complicated etiquette/social ques thing left over from the heian period. Whi......   reply
13 03,2021
Once by one of my brothers, though I didn't know it at the time. I was 10-11 and had just started growing breasts. He was 12-13 and would climb under a blanket to "tickle" me: aka grope me. Thank goodness that's as far as it went and it only happened 2-3 times, but I do not want to think about what he did with his knowledge. I didn't even remember ......   reply
04 03,2021
Every story has standard elements. Plot, character, setting. Plot involves the conflict. Is this man against man? Man against self? Or man against environment? What is your characters' goals during the duration of the story? Survival? To grow beyond a past trauma? Fall in love? In romances, it's generally Man against self with moments of Man agains......   reply
05 02,2020
Look up stoicism. Its not a religion but a philosophy that makes a lot of sense, for the most part. Time is your most precious resource. Spend it wisely with people you care about and who genuinely care about you, doing things that matter to you or those you care about. Find a a way to be alone without being lonely. This usually means being fine ......   1 reply
10 10,2017
You can have different preferences when it comes to romance and sex. I'm assuming you're a girl? If so, you maybe bi/pan-romantic and homosexual. (Flip homo for hetero if you're actually a guy) In other words, you wouldn't mind dating/being more than friends with a dude, but want to boink a chick. But I wouldn't put to much stock into labels. Just......   reply
05 04,2021