YuiNanami's question (6)

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about penpals
YuiNanami 04 04,2018
A little about me:
Hi, I like anime, manga, and yaoi. I also like k-pop and j-pop, but also a bit of c-pop. I can also draw (probably most the people on this website do lol). I like cute things, sweet foods, and meat. I'm pretty much interested in anything and everything.

Please tell me one thing about yourself (Nothing personal just something you like) and your age (if you are comfortable sharing) also the app to use to message you!

I want to be able to discuss things I like or dislike. I also want someone that is not involved in my day to day life that I can share things with. You can discuss anything that bothers you. I will listen to you if you are willing to listen to me!!
04 04,2018

There is one time I wished I did confess to this guy I liked in my freshman year. I didn't because I knew he had a girlfriend although he wanted to break up with her (he couldn't because she would threaten to cut herself, he tried telling her parents but stuff just didn't work out).
I think he liked me (maybe I deluded myself into thinking that though lol) whenever I would talk to my other guy friends he would walk up, stand behind me and hit me on the head with a book he was holding (not hard or anything just playfully so that I would look at him) then he would say "Hey you're in the way" when I was not and he could have just went around. Another time he grabbed my hand and drew on it saying "you're in my club now" but when my nosy friend asked what he meant he got all weirded out and was like "it means nothing" so he started drawing on everyone's hand so it didn't seem like anything.
We had this weird game in class that we would hit each other on the bottom of each others backpack so it seemed like we were hitting each other on the butt and be like "Mmm fat backpack" whenever my friend would hit his he would go after me. ALL THE TIME
One last example: I was joking with a guy friend of mine and I was taking his picture. We were laughing and messing around. Well after when I was scrolling through my camera roll my friend pointed out that the guy I liked got in the picture. When I zoomed in he was looking directly at me-the camera- with a look that was like "excuse why are you taking random photos of him" My friend said he looked jealous.
Unfortunately though I never did get to find out if he liked me and I never got to confess. He got into a fight in the middle of class on a Friday. The weekend passed and when it was Monday everyone was talking about how he up and moved to Iowa over the weekend.

How about you guys? Ever regret not confessing to someone?
04 05,2018

There is one time I wished I did confess to this guy I liked in my freshman year. I didn't because I knew he had a girlfriend although he wanted to break up with her (he couldn't because she would threaten to cut herself, he tried telling her parents but stuff just didn't work out).
I think he liked me (maybe I deluded myself into thinking that though lol) whenever I would talk to my other guy friends he would walk up, stand behind me and hit me on the head with a book he was holding (not hard or anything just playfully so that I would look at him) then he would say "Hey you're in the way" when I was not and he could have just went around. Another time he grabbed my hand and drew on it saying "you're in my club now" but when my nosy friend asked what he meant he got all weirded out and was like "it means nothing" so he started drawing on everyone's hand so it didn't seem like anything.
We had this weird game in class that we would hit each other on the bottom of each others backpack so it seemed like we were hitting each other on the butt and be like "Mmm fat backpack" whenever my friend would hit his he would go after me. ALL THE TIME
One last example: I was joking with a guy friend of mine and I was taking his picture. We were laughing and messing around. Well after when I was scrolling through my camera roll my friend pointed out that the guy I liked got in the picture. When I zoomed in he was looking directly at me-the camera- with a look that was like "excuse why are you taking random photos of him" My friend said he looked jealous.
Unfortunately though I never did get to find out if he liked me and I never got to confess. He got into a fight in the middle of class on a Friday. The weekend passed and when it was Monday everyone was talking about how he up and moved to Iowa over the weekend.

How about you guys? Ever regret not confessing to someone?
04 05,2018
Up until now in my life I have had three girls like me (Not at the same time obviously lol). I didn't mind that they liked me and it never affected our relationship. Two of them were my really good friends, so I didn't want to change anything in our relationship also I didn't really see them like that. The last was a friend I met class and we hung out from time to time (strictly at school though) and I noticed the change in her behavior towards me one day. She started hanging around me more and when she did she was constantly touching me or putting her arm around me. She would avoid touching others though. (Not that touching is an indicator of having someone like you.)
Soon after that she told me she was pansexual, so I asked her if she was interested in me. She said she was and asked how I knew. To be honest I have always been pretty good and determining whether a person likes me or not. Anyways I told her that I was cool with it.
I was always cool with it and the fact that I never thought "Oh I can't date you because I don't like girls" never popped up in my head it was just because I didn't really see them that way. Knowing that girls liked me brought up some questions though. Was I bi? Gay? I decided to try to pursue a relationship with her by making a deal that when we reached a higher grade and started out with a new year I would try dating her (Was that a jerk move?).
We ended up going on a trip together along with some other school mates and I realized I didn't really like her that way. After the trip I told her I couldn't go through with our deal especially knowing that I couldn't see her in that way. Another factor that I didn't think of was that I never asked her why she liked me.
I didn't really talk with her all that much I only shared certain interests and would from time to time ask her to recommend some things. I still had those questions though? By not rejecting her just because she was a girl but for the fact that I wasn't interested in her, was I still straight or was I really bi? I would really like some help in figuring out whether I am or not. How did you guys know?
22 03,2018
I have had many people I've hung out with that did things that were uncool or just plain rude. What about you?

Ever had a friend assume something about you?

Write about a friend or person that has done something or said something to annoy you.

My experience:
I had a friend who wanted to hang one day, so I told her we could but I was also hanging out with my cousin and my mom. She said it was cool. We all hung out at this popular plaza. The day was going fine, but I could have sworn that she was making comments about my cousin to her face. I thought maybe I misheard, no big deal just listen out for something.
We were in a store and my mom and cousin were talking about dyeing their hair. My cousin said "I like red, so maybe that color?" My mom told her that we should find a nice red color that would suit her. My friend very rudely said "Oh. Red would not look good on you." and walked away. I turned and was like "What?" and she didn't say anything. After we went to another store I can't remember what exactly was said but I vaguely recall her saying that the plus size store was good for me. Now that was very rude.
Not only did she insult me but my family included! I told her my family and I had to leave and she told me she wanted to stay until 5. I told her "no" and that she should call someone to pick her up and we left. I have always been concerned about my weight, now I am not overweight looking but I do weigh a lot. I have a insulin resistance problem which makes it easier for me to gain weight faster.
Compared to her I am bigger (I am not body shaming, but I want to give you a general picture) she is very thin, a twig who in fact seems like she has never eaten a day in her life and is as flat as a board. She's 5'4ish and weighs maybe 90 pounds (We are sophomores). Another thing she once mentioned was my race, she is half Asian and white. I am not twig thin I am a Mexican teenage girl the people in my family have chests and butts. She is constantly taking about it and I just wanted to be able to vent. Sorry if this bored you or anything.

23 03,2018