Photo Otaku's answer page 2 (23)

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about being gay
Just because I read BL does not mean I know more about the gay world then them. BL and GL stories are totally fictional. The LGBT+ community has gone through a lot and they are all real people. I will never claim that I know about their world. I may know the feeling of love and happiness they feel with their partner, but that’s only because I am ......   reply
21 01,2021
The most recent one I dropped is K’s Secret. The main leads were kind of thrown together fast and then the sex scenes were kind of aggressive. I like the vampire part and the vampire story seemed interesting, but the sex threw me off. Which is weird cause I like BJ Alex and My Suha, but I feel like their sex scenes were censored or colored to my ......   2 reply
04 06,2020
It was a little on the hardcore side for me, especially the BDSM chapters with Chanwoo. The art is gorgeous and I thought the idea of a streamer being the background of one of the characters was a good idea. But honestly, Jiwon was a prick the first half of the series. Sure it played with the bad guy character trope but I honestly hated a lot of th......   reply
22 06,2020