crazykitty's answer page 1 (34)
no i dont wanna be raped
02 04,2024
When women are written to only exist for romance. this especially happens in anime. most female characters are like “omg i love the mc omg kiss me omg what am i saying eeek”. or when they all love the mc it’s just so annoying. when women have no personality or lore besides being possible romantic partners for the mc, i just can’t read or wa......
1 reply
21 12,2023
mafuyu satou
shun kaidou
09 04,2021
idk if this pertains to this post but porn is so harmful for women and the women involved in making it. fun fact american female pornstars have an average lifespan of 38 years meanwhile the average american women on average lives to 70-80 years. not only does porn hurt the women involved, it also actively promotes sexual violence towards all women.......
27 07,2024
my ex gf lied about her bestie dying and getting doxxed on discord and how many boyfriends she’s had (she claimed she had 10+??) and that she sucked someone’s wiener when she was in primary school and that she used to be rich but she got robbed & held at gunpoint and she would add me into discord group chats filled with her alt accounts but she......
20 03,2024
sounds like petty discordian drama
22 02,2024
when straight girls fawn over the top. like ik it’s just a fictional character and it’s harmless but he’s not for u . go thirst over gojo or smth
1 reply
26 06,2024
similar to what u said but whenever the author throws in horrible things (rape, suicide, etc) for no reason besides for the reader to be shocked. for example in berserk. like i swear there’s rape every other chapter in the earlier arcs. i understand it being included in guts’ backstory a little bit, and for casca during the eclipse, but when th......
27 03,2024
I hate americans (i’m american..) i can’t believe our politicians. trump or biden. why Get me Out of Here. Get me out
30 03,2024
eeeeeek y-you didnt just ask me thqt ahhhhhh ////////// i i i i d don’t knowwww~~~ perhaps i-erm- would favor a partner w.w.w.who is the dark and handsome type 0_0 and perchance he will make me abide by his rules.. ErmmmZz don’t look at me like thatttt u are the one who asked ehe.. ahctually i would be lucky enough if anyone liked me at all *s......
4 reply
01 03,2024
he just gets raped over and over
29 07,2024
when i was 11 on the school bus and the older boys didn’t know how to flirt so they were yelling at me saying they’re gonna rape me and follow me home. i was uncomfortable so i just looked out the window and didn’t say anything. this happened for a few weeks but luckily covid happened shortly after. weird to think they’ll be graduating high......
1 reply
20 01,2024
i wouldn’t do it
edit: only if you’re of age and planning to be w him long term. definitely don’t do it if he’s weirdly demanding of it or if you only want to bc he brought it up
26 02,2024
i've always sent my friends or online friends yaoi pictures, and at first most of my irl friends ghosted me, then started talking to me again lmao. i sent a picture of takato from dakaichi to my friend making 'the face' (dunno how to spell it) and she didn't respond to me or text me for a like a month. she doesnt care now tho lol. my online friends......
1 reply
03 08,2020