curlyfries's answer page 1 (22)

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im basic or wutevah   1 reply
03 08,2020
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fucking texted multiple guys at the same time.., FUCCCKKK i didnt realize they were legit pedophiles I WAS ELEVEN   3 reply
02 06,2021
not me getting malfoy...lmao didnt expect to be slapped on my face as a narcissist   reply
02 06,2021
im not so sure how to write this properly because im quite dumb but in sha Allah i’ll try my best lmao...pls no hate, im just sharing what i can with my sleepy brain. now, what is human in the first place? a rational man? what makes a man to surpass madness or insanity? what is madness in the first place? what are even monsters? i think the fa......   3 reply
27 08,2020
10 09,2020
  1 reply
10 09,2020
bitch, when it happened, i was screaming for my mom and she knew i was my fucking period and gave me a pad while i was stucked in the toilet seeing blood in the toilet bowl for the first time. i proceeded to tell a girl friend on facebook about it and told her how fun it was to finally get my period and i was finally in the same ‘club’ as her!!......   reply
03 10,2020
My hair and fav snack   reply
20 03,2024
huh not smart enuff to excel in life :”)   reply
04 08,2020
about question
dude this is hella creepy because i experience this like so so much but at an older age (maybe since childhood)...i always feel like holy shoot..ive been here before or experienced this before. but mine were never as vivid, it is only a glimpse of a moment and sometimes they dont make sense but when it happens in reality im like— oh shit, ive be......   1 reply
14 05,2021
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im so basic......i know...   reply
31 05,2021
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cool, im being sucked out   reply
31 05,2021
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here..use my code to get 500 inks for free when u sign up on tapas ELMA443L   reply
23 07,2021
Sappy reason here but although i think it’s because people just see me as a duff, I also think im scared of being heartbroken again. I gave my all for my last love, and yet you dont really get to expect the same love you give to come back to u I hope one day, when im stronger and more mature, I’ll be able to find love again Sadly my 2D men ......   reply
20 03,2024
is it horny hour for you   2 reply
15 11,2020
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23 07,2021
yo at least it is still up! banana scandal is completely removed ;(   reply
23 07,2021
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shik shak shock   reply
09 03,2024