Sato's question (7)

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about question
07 07,2021
What was a picture that you always wanted to send someone but never got the opportunity to
07 07,2021
about question
21 07,2021
I realised today that I fucked up and lost my only friend...
I’m honestly scared because she knows more about me then any other ;-;’
21 07,2021
about question
( really funny neighbours) So the little kid was screaming outside like the devil then his older brother said shut up you stupid child.
I was complaining a second ago but couldn't stop laughing after that
05 07,2021
about question
24 05,2021
I was looking around for a different manga site and than I got to mangakakalot I clicked on a yaoi and saw the some comments, in every yaoi they were like
" gay disgusting "
" my eyes!!!! Change the cover"
" bruh what are those covers this is not gay porn side "
( I road some here ^ )
I looked around some more and
Somebody said " anything gay on this site is always downvoted, mostly by people that never read it"

I just wanna ask why tf so toxic????
Is it on other sites the same?
24 05,2021
about question
Can you turn off notifications from a question you answered because I always get a notification of new answers from "sucking your own dick"
When I thought it was I new update
I always get sad :')
23 05,2021
about question
01 06,2021
What’s your favourite song from tasty wizard?
(what do you enjoy more the song or the picture?~)
My is :
01 06,2021
I recently got into BL novels and can't find anything that is similar like to those I have read so far :
● The Northern Grand Duke’s Hamster
● fairy trap
● God's monster
● I’m the Villain’s Constellation but I’m Broke

I really like the concept of BL with action that are system related or play in a historical setting. If you know any novel that is similar to any of those or have the same vibe to them I bet you to share the name please
16 07,2024