AsoCanAso's answer page 19 (405)

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My imagination and creativeness is dead. You can watch a person die infront of you maybe? I mean Yea   reply
06 03,2021
about question
05 07,2021
I farted while reading this.   reply
05 07,2021
6/17 TT Cuz i don’t even read shoujo or straight things so i didn’t knew most of the like shoujo manhwa’s and shix   reply
07 05,2021
about hide yaoi
im willing to die for them ️   reply
07 05,2021
Ummm no one and i would like to keep it as it is for now sir/miss (Some people i met online deos tho)   reply
02 01,2021
about dating
I caught a lil spooder aye   reply
23 06,2021
about question
Because im red? Well i blush easily-   reply
12 03,2021
about nicknames
Oh my name is Aslı (u can't really pronounce it in english lol u don't have the ı letter) and people called me Aso-chan in elementry school cuz i looked like a japanese person even tho im not asian related from anywhere lol. But i didn't knew how to spell chan so i used can instead so it became "Aso-Can" so i added "AsoCanAso" and that's how i go......   reply
04 12,2020
about lmao
Whatchu gotta do is, when u have a kid, u gotta raise them like soldiers so they will not cry for dumb reasons like that. Look how i was raised and i turned out perfectly fine   1 reply
15 05,2021
about question
the OC i made?? Dam i wanna meet Rose ofc! She’s an alter in Angelica’s sytsem. She’s like a caretaker or a protector.   reply
28 06,2021
no No Yes Yes (even more than that) Maybe? Yes?? Yes TT YES :D yes :') Yes Yup and once with my tablet which is big af TT IT COULD JUST BREAK MY NOSE DUDE and i also have glasses too TT Yes and not only shoes. I always used to wear my sisters old clothes cuz my parents didn't wanted to buy me my own. I still do but my sis doesn't live with us any......   reply
17 03,2021
eeeyyyy... :D   reply
26 04,2021
01 03,2021
I mean they are not MY pets but they are my regular customers that comes to eat from me. I sadly have only 2 of them's pics. The other 6 doesn't likes to be petted and gets scared easyly TT one of em was taken during night so- TT There is also one more that isn't actually afraid of me but i never thought of taking a pic of him. I just wanted to fee......   reply
01 03,2021
26 06,2021
Me and my crush TT I mean she’s taller than me but i don’t wanna reveal her privicy like that and i wanna be taller than her!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
26 06,2021
about question
Hmm Do you mean it like really shitting or just as a word when you get really scared? In either way, if you wanna shit, then shit ma friend.   reply
27 01,2021
O-oh... maybe its because i never got a real friend that i could trust with so im kind of aggresive towards people... cuz they all betrayed me and with the anger issues that everyone in my bloodline has, i can't hold myself back when i get angry. But i have a few best friends and if someone ever hurts them, i go berserk. My eyes goes dark and i don......   reply
22 01,2021
My username one is hot nglmy real name one said skeleton but this doesn’t have anything related ro it so i just made her human instead lol   reply
21 06,2021
01 03,2021
01 03,2021